is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry



    Once where a person with a disability sat

    An accident caused the effect

    Hardship and pain

    One had to endure

    Through courage in determination

    Breakthrough was made

    Inspiration through the whole ordeal

    Realities were real

    The person was a Role Model

    Courage in revelation

    The creation was one’s own response in supplementation

    Intervention with a voice

    Battle after Battle determined to survive

    Beginning into the long road ahead

    Encouragement taking flight

    Morning into Night

    Mission complete

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    A humiliating whisper

    I've known for a long time, there's no need for nicknames, false promises, or words. I would have to finally set out bravely without even looking back, slamming doors and windows behind me.

    Those who have been honored to meet me so far will stay with me for a while. For a while, I still want to put a flower wreath in the waterfall hair cascade of real lady-angels. I carry with me my memories condemned to neglect at the age of forty, less than three years old.

    My battered, eternal longing for a more honest, romantic world, which seems increasingly distant, can only be an idyllic fog on the wall of my thinking imagination.

    Yet, like a magnetic force, it pulls you towards you, beckons you to think that it might be possible to get by here in a different way. My longing hope often dwindles, and I start to feel empty, just like the gaping Absence inside me.

    I am still weak with earthly stupidity, like an outcast, a clum...

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    Mysterious bake

    Ingredients by mistake

    Forbidden Cookie Monster create

    Cookie jar Overlook

    Kitchen table

    Oven stubble

    Through a cookbook enterprise

    End result realize

    Cookie Monster ready for chill and thrill

    All at will

    Brought to life

    Not a cookie to eat

    Retreat and run

    One doesn’t want this Cookie Monster among

    The Cookie Monster is out of control

    Moving and being bold

    Not a Pillsbury threshold

    Cookie Monster attack

    That ends that



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    A male performer being a Pop Music Star

    From start to finish

    This is what makes a Popcorn Man distinguished
    There’s more

    A Male Pop Star can take music to different levels in the lows and high’s

    Popcorn quality entertainment

    Flavor of attire

    Performances that never seem to expire

    Music lives on

    Tone and rhythm

    Talent of its own

    Full Blown

    Popcorn Man that has arrived and never depart

    A true stand alone





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    It is already a self-inflicted wound, which constantly exposes itself to new vulnerability, to the crossfire of humiliation and murder. Conscious, honest understanding, when connections and differences of opinion could also take place at the tables, as if they were completely excluded. Even a question mark wrapped in the fetal position after the real questions, to which it would still be appropriate to cough up answers through gritted teeth.

    It is almost impossible to bear a wolf's eye with the small, small-scale spikes of the World, and no mortal can rise above its outcast Fate, not even if it dies. The average person who is looking for a daily income is entitled to the babbling of children from Earth, but he cannot understand that here, the ugly, compromising duel of secret worm alliances is going on all the time. Because the structure of transparent ideas is just as dirty and inferior, just like some 20-something five-minute person whom the tabloid ...

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    A romantic, flirty moment caught; the visceral, honest expression of our emotions can seem like bragging and chasing, even in our own eyes. Part of everything is the so-called the internal process of self-exculpation, when we don't notice it anymore and we are immediately exposed. The Janus-masks will fall off once and for all, but only when we learn to truly and sincerely trust the other, because we know that the betrayal of our words, actions, and deeds will be the ordained origin and cause-and-effect relationship of unforgiveness.

    Every reflective curved surface reflects back at us; the childish naivety, in which - often - it's so good to carefree-forgetfully cling to, just as a playful-mischievous child is used to, deeply searching for the essence between the visions of snapshots; the most feared treasure-Egész is perhaps even now the inner suspicion, since we really cannot trust anyone. Girlfriends, wives, colleagues, as if they have lo...

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    You were forced to live the life of ironers and leeches, and if you were forced to fail enough times like Sisyphus, you deliberately ran away from problems and troubles, because you knew for sure that sooner or later gigantic tests would overtake you; when the thief is mean, the brave is cowardly, or the beautiful virgin is dirty and provocative. It is more likely that your body is gnawing away at the smaller molecular cells of your body - prematurely -, while a small bacteria-worm from Alamusi is writing more than a million expensive prescriptions, saying: "Just take it calmly, see if it helps!"

    - You feel it in yourself, while you are struggling with total side effects, that you would rather sip ginger, garlic and lemon tea than easily down another toxic poison cocktail. - This current Sanda Hyena Era seems to have deliberately downgraded the complex things of the more sensitive, human soul.

    It is not yet known when the weak, weak bod...

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    America’s Icon

    Just imagine for a moment

    The statue of Liberty becoming President

    Ms. Liberty herself would be shocked

    Standing and representing for the call

    Freedom ways

    Being strong on principles

    Solid on setting the example

    New York City where rivers flow

    Freedom on the waves
    Listen, the sound of immigrant boats

    All from around the world

    The torch being the devotion

    Leadership in giving direction

    America the Beautiful

    From seas to shiny seas

    Welcome reminders through the breeze

    Mobilization beyond

    The Statue ...

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    Calling longing

    I will soon be forty. But between my two arms, the happy, cherishing feeling of the One-Dear One could not have drawn me into its magical magical power, and I begged the defiant, proud Angel as a supplicant: Take care of me as long as I live!

    Our love, which we believed to be immortal, as well as the unshakable summoning of loyalty, the metaphorical chain of relationships, was deliberately discouraged by this current grotesque age infected with material success.

    Tolerating it - I have already experienced it - is only rarely possible, like the anxious Sisyphus who was often chased away. - I could have been a child in your arms again, who could not be disturbed or threatened by a vengeful Fate, or a petty individual interest, would not be called to you by an uncertain distance, a landless distance.

    I would be a humble fisherman of true pearls, in the secret wells of romantic souls, or maybe a news-teller, a witness who wants to hide....

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    Daredevil by Michael R. Burch

    These are poems about daredevils, poems about risk-takers, poems about heroes, poems about gypsies and other vagabonds...
    by Michael R. Burch
    There are days that I believe
    (and nights that I deny)
    love is not mutilation.
    Daredevil, dry your eyes.
    There are tightropes leaps bereave—
    taut wires strumming high
    brief songs, infatuations.
    Daredevil, dry your eyes.
    There were cannon shots’ soirees,
    hearts barricaded, wise ...
    and then ... annihilation.
    Daredevil, dry your eyes.
    There were nights our hearts conceived
    dawns’ indiscriminate sighs.
    To dream was our consolation.
    Daredevil, dry your eyes.
    There were acrobatic leaves
    that tumbled down to lie
    at our feet, bright trepidations.
    Daredevil, dry your eyes.
    There were hearts carved into trees—
    tall stakes where you and I
    left childhood’s salt libations ...
    Daredevil, dry your eyes.
    Where once you scraped your kne...
