is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry




    Sometimes you need to be envied or admired to trust yourself. 



    no use thinking about the 



    Only the present and the future 🔮 matter. 



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    DO NOT

    DO NOT



    everythang doesn't unfold as you 




    not think as far as anyone is against 

    you, life is a roller coaster. What goes up must come down. Step after steps. Don't halt get moving as the sun shines.  



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    Green beautiful glimmers
    The whole way down smooth crackle foundation
    Love on the rising vibrating me outwards
    The universe takes a hold and sings the song of creation
    Caressing me in a beautiful love song 
    Crystals energized with forest green,luminescent yellow fading into a stream of mirrors, reflecting 
    Bring me life and strength 

    Trusting the love, my protector, my ancestor
    Tinted blue smooth skin cold to the touch
    Silver long striking hair branding infinity into my memory, my film that is me. 
    The infinite being that was created to see 
    All the love and light that has guided 
    My path into security, 
    Screaming “love” down the tunnel and hearing my heartbeat pulsing against the beautiful sunset of a curious ni


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    If nothang keeps you from enjoying 


    life, you must always keep your 


    commitments and never hurt others 


    with promises you can't keep. Because when you promises someone they lay their life on you. And if broken, it simply mean you murder them. So never! 



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    In learning there Abide teaching and in teaching, learning dwells.


    Both the lecturers and schoolers has somewhat to teach the other.


     Life's but a class. 

    Every persons you met has some lessons for you. 


    Never underestimate anyone. For everyone you're seeing is unique. 



    Most times people condone a torn book because it has no lid.


     However it's contents could heal the world. Off his old age plagues. 


    Meanwhile a fancy backed book may likely destroy the earth.


    Looks deceive. The most beautiful & valuable thangs in the universe are invisible. 


    You think the most valuable thing is material?



    If so you're damn totally ...

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    Barefoot on Blacktop

    The concrete heat burnt black the souls of his feet as he walked in a direction not known to the happy man,

    Unsure of where he was going, only knowing where he'd been, his footfalls were repetitive, overkill, not unlike beating a dead horse with a stick.

    Walking away from provocation,  away from altercation, trying to be the bigger man, angered and misunderstood, perhaps he didn't do all he could to make them understand, one does what one can, walking away felt good.

    The road was his home now, he didn't need them anyhow, happiness didn't exist behind him it must, he figured, lay over the horizon. But he would need nightly shelter and food, he had his best judgement and prudence, all he needed was providence, well evidenced by his lack of shoes, I'm never going back he told himself, not after everything they put me through, if only they knew.

    And back home his father sat alone, his thoughts trailing after his son.


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    Bury the past behind, live the life of the current moment.


    Love the 

    moment and 

    cherish the 

    present time, 

    can only 

    hope' for 


    but is uncertain. 


    Because no 

    man knows 

    what tomorrow 



    the future 

    is born put 

    the past in 

    the casket. 


    Tomorrow's here unfolded just 

    got to open 

    the mind and 

    realize on a 

    real eyes 

    where that 

    hidden potentials 


    and how to 


    and utilize them.




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    You can't fix everything , waiter .

    Collect the shards.

    Sometimes no turning back.

    never mind

    now prepare the service

    all your fears


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    in consistency

    if time-like

    if you have a vehicle

    you don't know it is the rightconsistency

    whatever you experiencesd while in mirage

    your hand remains empty

    experience free


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    I wrote about the girl I look for in the cracks. I’m wondering if she’s still in my storybook, hiding behind the finished pages and twisting through the run on sentences. I fell in love with her once. Her hands could outline my very existence. I fell in love with her a second time, no romance was needed to light this fire in my heart. She was a daffodil in the rising moonlight, all bathed in silver and sparkling glamour. I wonder if this silver-screen movie star would ever look back down on the people she left on earth. The people she exchanged for a handshake with the man in the sky. I don't know if God is real but if they are they must love practical jokes because while she was nearly allowed to join the angels I had to sit here and ponder the best way to call her.

    I’m still in love with her. Romantic feelings aside, I look for her in every winter moon. In every fallen leaf I tear apart my trees looking for the branches that could support her where ...

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