is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Author: Camille Wickham



    A butterfly
    In disguise
    A helper
    Of the needy
    A broken soul
    A cracked dream
    A pain of the realm
    Like a freak show in the fair
    As everybody stops and stares

    A butterfly
    Was assigned
    To be my protector
    Watch over my soul
    Reigning in flowers with a shape like a bowl

    The butterfly
    A feeling of shame
    Making me
    Take the blame
    For the death
    Of the bodies
    That still remain


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    A Royal Wish

    Can I dream anymore?
    Can I go out and do what I wish?

    Father says stars aren’t to look at;
    They are for signaling time to sleep
    He says women are to be displayed;
    But not spoken with
    He says beauty is for a man to decide;
    Not for a woman to feel

    If I could dream anymore
    Will father stop sending his guards
    To look after me
    After picking a blade of grass from afar

    If I could dream anymore
    Would father allow it?
    Father thinks strict roles are necessary;
    Not letting us grow
    He thinks all other opinions are invalid;
    That he is all-knowing 
    He thinks it’s okay to be impolite to woman and rude
    Because nobody had the courage to stop him


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