is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

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    Author: Emeka Mokeme



    Ask yourself:
    Does your life
    have enough meaning
    to make others
    see the beauty
    inherent in you
    to transform and
    cause changes.
    Ask yourself:
    Do i have
    the grace enough
    to touch the heart
    in trouble and
    effect change.
    Ask yourself:
    Do i have compassion
    to touch the wound
    and hurts of others
    with tenderness.
    Ask yourself:
    Am i mindful and
    sensitive to others
    of different opinions.
    Ask yourself:
    Am i thoughtful enough
    to do the right thing.
    Ask yourself:
    Does my intent
    and what i do,
    in anyway become
    a stumbling block
    to my subordinates.
    Ask yourself:
    Is there joy,
    ease and lightness
    in what I'm doing.
    Ask yourself:
    Is there
    enough love in
    my heart to share.
    Ask yourself:
    Is there healing
    in t...

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