is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Author: Victoria garnsey



    I'm running on a treadmill sweat is dripping down my face I'm running on a treadmill can I keep up with the pace I'm running like I'm being chased. I'm running to a place that doesn't exist. I'm running running running waiting for someone to assist me. I'm learning more about myself but also watching everyone flee from me, I'm running towards something that I'm not sure was meant to be I'm running and my ears are starting ring ring RING! Its starting to sting I'm running away from something thats attached I'm running to catch something that wasn't meant to be catched 


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    Isn't it funny how being thicc with 2 c's is all that matters? because its all that flatters, don't dare be the flat girl with a little morals, your weight goals should be all you care about, because they will stare at you, if you have a little fluff huff and puff doing a plank, cuz you wanna be hot stuff right? You should know being the town skank is kinda cool, she's got all the boys mouths dripping drool, she's a goddess, how dare anyone be modest 


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