is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • profile

    Author: Nica Monet

    My writings are all original and personal of what I feel or things I have felt. I write for myself and for others. I write with freedom, no rules to follow. I let the emotions flow.


    i will

    match the energy you give out
    or read into it wrong and overthink what it’s all about
    my thoughts run a hundred per minute
    and you are usually in it
    i can hold the bad ones back for the most part but hearing it come from you, helps me not fall apart

    you are my safe person and 
    i will give you my all 
    diving in deep 
    i’m not afraid if i have to face a waterfall
    please be gentle with me
    im all in if we’ll do this honestly

    im falling so far deep
    in love and i want to take that leap.



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    the tiger and social media

    what you see is not always what you get,
    like a tiger scared by a house cat.
    we sometimes forget
    that appearances can be deceiving
    just like we’re trained to master the act of concealing
    the emotions that don’t serve our audience
    in a zoo they all want
    to see a tiger at its finest performance 
    no one knows the struggles of the tiger
    since no eye sees behind the curtain where life seems to be a little harsher.



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    Your presence ignites a spark
    that you may not see 
    like a matchstick whose capable
    of starting a fire in me

    In your absence,
    continues an ordinary day 
    until when you’re around do i display
    a sense of enthusiasm 
    in the air 
    an energy only found
    in your presence
    when you are here.


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    a kid at heart

    she thinks older than her age
    but she plays like a kid with bliss
    like a ferocious dragon—treated wrong
    face the fiery rage, you’d lose your wits.

    treating her right does not guarantee a kiss
    only to the one she loves
    she’d grant that wish
    you do her wrong
    not a piece of you would be missed.

    like a kid she goes 
    willing to play and learn
    eyes gaze at her with awe
    what a sight to see
    lovely as she.


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