is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Author: James Nordlund

    Sadly, the corporate structure's convolution's devolutionary direction has made a trap of this world, the 'fix' has only been in and is only in, no one above 21 can be trusted. "There's a beacon in the sky, meant to catch your eye...", Happy Rhodes. Dispelling the scarcity based interlocking and laced global economic, fossil fuel fueled, cannibalistic systems of the corporate structure's convolution, and thereby realizing nature's abundance based reality of eternal, free, solar energy, through abolition of that fossil fuel dictated defacto-indentured servitude, will realize the evolution's definition of power as life, growth, consciousness, realizing spiritual flight's potential, etc., and dispel the not-see definition of power as manipulation to extinction and total destruction of the earth, etc., only if we struggle with their vacuum-up model of economics, that supposedly garner ever increasing amounts of delusional profits, pleasures and powers, in ever increasingly cyclical and centralizing patterns. Viva la evolucion :) reality


    Purposely Not Prevented Kop Killing Seditionist Insurrectionist Konspiracy Of 1-6-21

    Remember how Rump of Utin did the 'Faux Pandemic'
    political theater, saying and doing the opposite of what
    he knew to be true, in order to kill as many handicapped,
    elderly, autistic, developmentally disabled, long-term
    hospital and nursing home attendees, diffabled, etc.,
    as he could, a eugenics pogrom to steal their SS, 'cause
    the repubs couldn't get that done politically for decades?;
    oh yeah, it's still going on. 'Oh well, here we go again',
    now he's heading up this lame conspiracy, they're all
    terrorists, and should be prosecuted as such, will you?


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    inhale aspire, exhale inspire   (deux)

    Ground betwixt the bi-polar global
    axi of supposed power, not-see,
    totalitarian, in our Baskin 'n Robbins 
    of 23 flavors of supremacy,
    the united suck of assassins,
    divided and conquered in perfect 
    harmony by Ebony and ivory, 
    the Black and white supremacies,
    "...we(e),...", knowing they do it 
    for more than just more, resolve 
    to teach why, the intellect can't 
    lead, for life doesn't follow,
    if you're not taking bullets 
    you're making them, if it's 
    not fixed don't break it,
    your potential's illimitable,
    as life, you're indivisible.

    May all walk in Gaia's balance, 
    giving back to her abundance,
    then one's New Year will be good
    and new all the way through.


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    One With All, All With One, Stay A Light, Stay Alive

    Starshine, I delight in, even if you're all
    that's left of brilliant one, traveling 
    100,000's of years to this eye, 
    your shine will e'er be, for all eternity, 
    for I see you, now, you're being me too. 


    Ne'er a false-flag upon this brow, e'er bowed,
    never cowered, humility's task at hand, 
    basking in the grind, as darkness must abound 
    light, just another body on la machine's 
    gears, blood may be no more than grease,


    a tease, possibly, as I'm love, always will be, 
    to their delight, as they only strike
    while the iron's hot, every moment,
    as I must be not.  While their might 
    might make right, it e'er makes wrong, so


    fraternity's song, shadows mimic whilst
    speaking of light, r...

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    'Loose The Dogs Of War'

    126 GOP Representatives signed onto the latest attempt 
    by Rump of Utin and his rumpettes, like Moscow Mitch, 
    Utin's puppets all, following vlad-the-impaler's orders, 
    to e'er further press their case for overturning the will 
    of the people in our recent fair election for President, 
    to the Supremacy Court, where they were sure their 
    cries of supposed "irregularities" would win them their 
    criminally insane day, keep our king-kong sized 
    terrible-two, who's going on six, illegally installed in 
    the Black House.  It took the conservative Court but 
    126 words to bury their megalomania, dreams of grandeur.

    350,000 of my and your fellow Americans have been 
    exterminated by them so far, pandemiced, a purposely 
    not prevented 9-11-01 terrorist attack's victim's toll
    per day, every single mi...

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    Say It Ain't So Joe, Say It Ain't So

    Convolution's coming to the fore', with him 
    putting rumpettes " his Cabinet, Admin.".

    But, of cour', when we think the as backwards 
    crew's in our rearview, their rule reigns.

    The world knows they're every moment traitors 
    for e'er more, and ne'er were nothin' more.

    Colluding to collaborating with their destruction 
    of nation, cannibalizing the pieces,

    is treason too, it's not "stopping partisanship", 
    not "bringing a country together", not "healing",

    only hurting, 'I undo the wraps from my 
    wounded heart', "...we(e),...", are keeping it's

    broken pieces from falling apart with, 'covid's 
    gotta be stopped, gotta save quarter million lives',

    'Ossoff and Warnock need us to help GOTV, 
    donate, to win GA...

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    Vote Joe

    He just gave a great talk at a townhall,
    "our country needs healing to restore
    our great union from the chaos 
    and sowing of seeds of division
    by the current administration."


    While love can't drive out it's opposite,
    because love's not a physical force
    like what those who abuse use, is,
    it can enlighten others to not fall for
    mercenaries for more and their tricks.


    "Murphy's law's if something can go wrong it will".   
    It became, 'if Murphy can f something up he will', 
    then, 'Murphy's going to f everything up'. 
    'An ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure'.
    Our nation needs him, vote early, help GOTV, please.


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    Under The Mistletoe

    No barbs held,
    bards hushed,
    bars holding,
    holds barred.

    Freedom ringing
    in a New-Year,
    new relationship,
    with a kiss.



    the last




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    'The Convolution's Pathological Lying Is Perfect' Or Not?

    Why 'not', last week, there was a new record
    of new covid cases in a day, 83,000,
    1000 died that day.  Rump said,
    "it's not killing many people,
    just elderly, we're rounding the corner,
    it'll end soon", outrageous,
    and he's lost the elderly vote.


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    once more to the breach, '...we(e),...' do beseech

    Of what poetic alchemy does this leaden torch
    transmute to golden lines, ear whisperings?
    Do our hearts not skip a beat when the comfortable
    silence that is part of our poem's melody's weave,
    within its tapestry, are placed just so?
    Is it not a pointless point, my pen's unending one
    does alight upon, for reading isn't hearing?
    Is not a twig of poetree, earthen, sun sparked,
    skybound, too true to expound?
    And when our heart gestures
    bleeding ink lines that dance,
    engraving such imagery in a mind's eye,
    feelings within a breast, bemusing the ear,
    do they not accompany
    in the Sphere's choreography?
    Is nature not awoke
    when bards extemporaneously
    evoke such wonder that co-creation
    of the Cosmos is quickened?
    "Ya got me!", a listener asserts
    dismissively, as the audience laughs.


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    Midnight on Doomsday's Clock, Half-full Glass of OJ Awaits

    "We're waking up, Yes it's clear, We're waking up, Dawn's
    here, Feel the searing heat of Heightened consciousness
    Feel yearning for, Peace and happiness", evolving.


    Realize evolution's defining power as
    life, growth, consciousness, realizing spirit's flight's
    potential, dispel the not-see definition


    of it as control through to extinction, earth's death.
    GOP's sending special force to polling places to burn
    mailed in ballots, intimidate voters, for naught.


    Young poll workers stepped up, criminally insane's
    time's up, fear doesn't exist, we're alival, ne'er
    survival, our grandkids will live, scythe, shiv won't.


    Civic responsibility, vote duty, is
    being exercised, it's Siamese twin sister,
    freedom, will exist, only if you early vote.


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    C'est La Unvie, No?

    A million monarchs lie dead, though,
    no less sociological programming of
    upper-middle to rich classes with
    decadence, affluence, inclusion, is.
    No less societal determination of
    middle to lower, being excluded by
    division and conquering, privation.


    Yet, they, on wing no more, still fly in 
    our spirit's eye, heal humanity's heart. 
    While their silent cry echoes
    the 33,000 species extant each year,
    a rate not seen since the last ice-age
    ensued, does it move you?
    Does your curiosity ask why?


    Will you, on this 33rd Earth Day, allow
    a tear for all life's fallen?  Consider
    the losses economic apartheid incurs,
    mirrored by the divide human-centricity
    has levied?  Our underlying duplicitous
    disregard for life, avarice and oil fueled,
    won't abate for our existence, will you?


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    Inspiring, Biden's Campaign Rises, Uplifts

    While Rump continues to refuse to use the DPA to nationalize 
    the production and distribution of effective testing and PPEs, 
    which would save taxpayers 100's of billions of dollars over-
    spent on gouged prices, and 100's of thousands of their lives,
    he continues to preach his 'corona schmorona' policies at his
    super-spreader of disease rallies, exterminating republicans.


    They say, 'time is longer than twine', and 'to err is human, 
    to forgive, divine'.  It's unforgiveable, n'er forgettable.  
    Yet, Joe's persistent perseverance in reminding our nation who 
    "..we(e),.." are and can be, not just life, relation in motion, 
    being evoking art, and illimitable potential, indivisible as 
    life, growing communally, yet also citizens of a great Union.


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    8-6-45's nuclear, 'little boy', dropped on Hiroshima

    Ten thousand eyes aghast, 

    mushroom cloud's beauty twists, 

    ten times more turned to ash.


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