is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • profile

    Author: Solahudeen Ridwanullah O.

    SHORT BIOGRAPHY Solahudeen Ridwanullah O. is a Muslim teenage writer. He has swelling passion for creative writings. He has participated in many literary contests of various associations such as Muslim students' society of Nigeria (MSSN), the Association of Model Islamic Schools(AMIS) and many more; he made historic and enviable feats. Ridwanullah is the winner of the online Creative Writing Contest organized by STARSUSEFUL, award won by his work TORNADO YEARS AND WITHOUT DESPAIR–poetry and short story respectively. He is a secondary school leaver and he currently lives in Ifon-Osun, Osun state, Nigeria, where he works.



    This friend is a worm

    He feeds on hosts

    Made of woven lines


    This friend is a sun

    He indiscriminately shines

    On every seed

    Buried under the shallow earth


    This friend is Rome 

    It took many labourers

    Many blood-draining-days to build


    This friend is a world

    He stomached many nations

    A father of many languages

    And many colours


    This friend is bigger

    Than I can paint in letters






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             It is among the tests of leadership, the ability to recognize a problem before it changes to an emergency as nonchalance and procrastination complicate qualms.The youth on daily basis never waver to voice out on the social media and other platforms, the need to facilitate advancement in every sectors of our livelihood. Prior to the outbreak of this pandemic, some perspicacious and patriotic Nigerian leaders and the erudites among citizens have claimed to be eagles, been keen eyed enough to forsee tribulations abounding from, then, unknown sources to strike the country. Thus, a proactive measure rather than astute decisions was sought for. Who knows where the curse would hail from? Who, by then, knows how catastrophic and disastrous it could be? Truth must not be cocooned, for Nigeria, prevention is better than cure, like all other underdeveloped or developing states. This is because, since the inception of this triggering and fear inciting pandemic,...

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    Earlier like a bird
    I rose up from my nest
    This morning
    Just like decades ago, yesterday, so be today,
    but tomorrow,
    Perhaps, might changed.

    Don't bother lighting the candle
    We're the eaters of dust you used to know
    Our life is the pairs of tattered jeans,
    Smoked engines, dumped outputs
    From the outlaw's land

    Tour around our streets
    Our road is the back of the tortoise
    Said to have fallen and crashed from the towering sky
    In the aged book of fiction
    Where ambush lies every peaceful second.

    Do I need to tell 
    Who the healthy ones are?
    Since fresh blood runs in their vein
    A bank of refined H2O in their bugging pot bellies
    But cholera rumbles our own tummy.

    Since the world is made of streets and oceans
    The butterflies among us 
    Do fly to other streets
    The swimmers crawl through t...

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