is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

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    Author: TheJedi



    I really can't explain how I'm feeling.
    Or rather the fact that I'm not feeling.
    I'm in a place where nothing I do is fulfilling,
    And everything just sounds so unappealing

    I feel like I'm lost in the abyss of nothingness
    Falling and sinking deeper into a state of numbness
    I feel like I'm being sucked into a vacuum of blackness.
    Surrounded by despair, enveloped in sadness. 

    Self examination tells me I'm okay.
    I can't find any reason why I should feel this way.
    Coz one moment I was as bright as the day,
    And the next, the sun just seemed so faraway.

    I'm freaked out, scared, terrified.
    Or I would be, but I feel only sadness inside.
    Coz in this state, its so easy to dream of suicide. 
    Deep down where depression resides.



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