is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Author: Simbarashe Mupazviribwo

    Always willing to walk away.


    The cold bottle

    The young man's best friend

    It numbs the aching everywhere,

    mostly in the soul.

    Working wonders on the nerves

    Celebrating results of a long day

    Aiming for the moon shooting to miss


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    No Time

    Grey high clouds pour down.

    Cracking dams, flooding streams.

    Tomorrow awaits no one.

    Overwhelmed walls break;

    and all hell sets loose.


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    There will be blood

    When you drift with the wind;

    Swaying the deep rooted tree by the river.

    The seeds of love drift with you;

    As crooked branches lust after sunlight.



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    The man in the room,

    waited call never came.

    Shadows for prisoners of life.

    Flames to engulf roses, 

    an end of a transformation.


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