is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Author: Dharatal

    Poems are not just made with some sentences ,it also uses feelings


    Broken bridge

    Walking & walking and 

    I reached a bridge

    Very narrow and no supporting ropes,

    I expand my hands

    Little and balanced,

    A step and then other

    Unfortunately found a place with hole ,

    I sat their and thinking how to cross

    but I was ready to fight with every obstacles

    and barrier in my way and crossed it.

    As I came to the end I didn't looked back,

    Because I knew the flow of air ,

    Will bring me back in the same journey once again.


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    Again home

    Walking to school & again after some Time back to home ,the same story Continues everyday.Sometimes catching the butterfly &On sunny days trying to run away from my own shadow.

    Way from home to school & school to home ,is a adventure of every student ,walking in the road of memories when we are grown up we never know.our way changes from school to collage then office.

    A day coming from office I saw my old school road as if my soul is asking me to go their.

    Once again I walked the way tried to catch butterflies and I saw myself as a child with same school bag & same uniform and once again I am back to my old way.



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