is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • profile

    Author: Moon Wright

    Just a creation who writes poetry and prose. Check out my book "Thoughts of the P.T.D. 'Human'" coming January 2021! You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.


    kind heart full of hate

    i will constantly preach the message


    i will tell you to treat

    everyone with respect

    and be nice to everyone

    i will tell you

    that no one deserves bad things

    that we should all work

    to make the world a better place

    and while i do believe this

    i am also so full of hate

    hate to the people who want my rights

    to be taken away

    hate to the people who kill my people

    every day for no good reason

    hate to the people who refuse to take

    matters seriously, thinking everything is a joke

    hate to the people who make it their goal

    to make others' lives miserable


    i've had to learn

    that you must be kind

    and work to make everyone's lives easier

    but you must also

    know when to be mean

    know when to be unkind

    to stand up to...

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