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    Author: Inked Solace


    The Roses in Our Garden

    The roses in our garden
    Are watered with tears, and not rain
    The roses in our garden
    Are blossomed by my sorrows and my pain

    I don’t know how they got here
    And I don’t know if they’ll ever leave
    All I know is that they thrive best
    When I lay by their roots to grieve

    Their beauty mocks my suffering
    And their petals reflect my sorrow
    It seems they take away my joy
    They hope to steel, not borrow

    They feed off my flowing river
    A river, not short of supply
    For as long as we stay together
    This river will never run dry

    Our garden is our relationship
    This superficial, dying flame
    Maintaining this garden kills me
    I can no longer keep it tame

    Don’t ever trust a pretty garden
    For it takes sacrifice to make it that way
    It drains life to keep it red and pink
    And it’s a...

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    Will you live today as an optimist
    Or will you let life be boring and dull?
    Will you seek to conquer and drive each day,
    And live life with a glass half full?

    Will you live life with false hope and expectations,
    Or will you acknowledge reality, and gain some control?
    For living with a more negative look on life
    Can help you focus on achieving your ultimate goal.

    Is there a balance between these two,
    Between the positive and the not?
    Maybe there’s some warm in-between
    Of the icy cold and the scalding hot.


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    She looks in the mirror and cries
    For she is not the beautiful woman she once used to be
    She looks in the mirror and weeps
    For the loss of the reflection she used to see

    Our culture tells her that she’s bad
    Because she has freckles and wrinkles and such
    And she forgets to stop and think
    That maybe looks don’t matter all that much

    For appearance fades and standards change
    But one thing stays constant and true
    Its the inside that truly matters in life
    That bright, bold, beautiful you


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    Her eyes held all the stars of the sky
    And her smile held the warmth of the sun
    The wrinkles in her eyes held wisdom
    But her complexion showed all the battles she had won

    For before a diamond is a crystal
    It is refined and purified through heat
    Before a maiden can be rescued from her tower
    There is a dragon the knight must defeat

    There is no victory without a battle
    And there is no glory in an unfought war
    Without struggle, there can be no resilience
    You can't know peace until you’ve experienced the gore


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    Some wounds have this peculiarity:
    They may be hidden, but they never fully close.
    Always painful, always ready to bleed when touched,
    Delicate as a withering rose.

    They remain fresh and open in the heart,
    with every pulse and breath, pulling apart.

    As you lay in your hospital bed,
    hurting more than you can bare,
    I'm sorry for all the times I gave up on you,
    For all the times I wasn't there.


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