is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Life is Beautiful

    i would fall from heights

    shaking Lucifer terrified

    for Luna's starry skies to linger,

    in a Jashar night, by your side.


    floating on Chopin stroked ivory nocturnes

    swimming in deep ruby pools of Pinot Noir

    dancing on your flowering lips,

    sweet with vanilla cigarette smoke.


    life is beautiful.


    phosphorus waves of purple patches

    carry me from seas of stormy eyes

    onto shores sanctuary with blue skies

    harbored in your sheltering arms.


    brighter than painted pages

    singing lullabies in the city of angels,

    blinded dizzy by the light shining

    through the iris of your eyes.


    life is beautiful.


    punctured bicycle on a hillside

    spread by skyscraper flames

    burning my humble log cabin existence

    halcyon falls to ash on the ground.


    chopped mountaintop forest

    crumbling down to street corners

    begging for coins or breadcrumbs

    and bleeding on pavements in darkness.


    life is dreadful.


    burst dam walls of crippling cancer

    flow from drowning depths of hell

    crashing high waters

    washing away life's short circuit (un)certainty.


    reading Dante at your bedside grave,

    flowers lie dead on tombstones

    spread in autumns cemetery

    as you lay where i may never go.


    life is dreadful.
