is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • No Competition

    the middle ground the road of equality

    or is it the road of safe travel

    too far one way could cost you your life

    or everyone else's 


    this weary traveler invesigates

    both sides of the road

    while maintaing equilibrium stolling abode


    straying sometimes to the left 

    partaking in the right

    sometimes in gesture mistaken

    for a creature of the night


    an eternal zombie of sort

    casually consorting with all and many

    her plans were never unknown 

    to her but they were straved


    deprived of the pain and essence

    handed upon her by the gods


    her knapscak was torn and tattered

    mangeld heart upon her sleeve

    dishevled and mishappen

    always focused in the fog


    as she lit her cigarrette 

    a perplexing smile bestowed

    her heart was not like many

    nobody i had ever known


    her crooked teeth 

    to her marching walk


    i caught up to her one day 

    and lady i bellowed

    what keeps you walking

    god or a fellow?


    she cocked her head

    and flung her ash

    titled and looked at me just so


    honest and jokingly simply said

    you see this is how we go

    some pick i side

    i pick em all

    ill walk like a soldier 

    to united we all go


    as she stopped so to did time

    she walked into the fog 

    back into my mind
