is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Say It Ain't So Joe, Say It Ain't So

    Convolution's coming to the fore', with him 
    putting rumpettes " his Cabinet, Admin.".

    But, of cour', when we think the as backwards 
    crew's in our rearview, their rule reigns.

    The world knows they're every moment traitors 
    for e'er more, and ne'er were nothin' more.

    Colluding to collaborating with their destruction 
    of nation, cannibalizing the pieces,

    is treason too, it's not "stopping partisanship", 
    not "bringing a country together", not "healing",

    only hurting, 'I undo the wraps from my 
    wounded heart', "...we(e),...", are keeping it's

    broken pieces from falling apart with, 'covid's 
    gotta be stopped, gotta save quarter million lives',

    'Ossoff and Warnock need us to help GOTV, 
    donate, to win GA's Senate seats for US',

    but, it'll never be the same.  Thought crime 
    replicating la machine, the show that must, goes on?
