is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • 'Loose The Dogs Of War'

    126 GOP Representatives signed onto the latest attempt 
    by Rump of Utin and his rumpettes, like Moscow Mitch, 
    Utin's puppets all, following vlad-the-impaler's orders, 
    to e'er further press their case for overturning the will 
    of the people in our recent fair election for President, 
    to the Supremacy Court, where they were sure their 
    cries of supposed "irregularities" would win them their 
    criminally insane day, keep our king-kong sized 
    terrible-two, who's going on six, illegally installed in 
    the Black House.  It took the conservative Court but 
    126 words to bury their megalomania, dreams of grandeur.

    350,000 of my and your fellow Americans have been 
    exterminated by them so far, pandemiced, a purposely 
    not prevented 9-11-01 terrorist attack's victim's toll
    per day, every single minute another murdered 
    premeditatedly by them, more will have been ended 
    by them here before this is over than killed by all
    our enemies in the entirety of this nation's history,
    including their cherished civil war.  Joe's installing 
    them in his Cabinet, Admin., instead of cleaning house?
    How on God's green Earth do they still steal breathe
    from the Amazon forests, Gaia's lungs, which they

    can't seem to destroy quick enough.  The head of TX's
    GOP just said that "...Rump's States should secede...", 
    to paraphrase.  "...We(e),...", say, one and all, please, 
    we beg of you, do, then we can prosecute and execute 
    every single one of you members of Rump's int'l crime
    family, legal like.  Your talk of secession for going on 
    a century has obviously been no more than gabbing of 
    all hat cowboys playing at being men, cowards all.
    The Bible says it, "don't covid thy neighbor's wife",
    but, I guess you don't read much.  People, as sure as 
    you live, they will eventually kill you, death be proud!
