is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Entangled Admiring

    Entangled Admiring

    Entangled to “No”, entwined to “Maybe”,

    Endangered in “Yes” daring-taking,

    A Master which gathers and furthers appeal,

    Will show response so painstaking,


    That all the achievements and every restraint

    Will meet in substantial measure

    Within what, endowed of Prophecy made,

    Emerges through stroke and erasure…


    Unveiled on the way are ecliptical signs

    Of movements brought into static,

    And longing transformed will transgress all demise

    Existing in origins drastic,


    That through revelations of dreaming awakes

    Disposed before stunning rejection:

    Turned wrapping and bondage forever points break

    Endangering Imagination…


    For ends strive beginnings, enjoying themselves,

    And longing for Bliss from Enjoyment:

    Within their sense all the Commonness dwell,

    Enticing Uncommon in joining.


    And in entertaining environment that

    Like fish – stretching paws, wings acquiring –

    Rise Someone, encouraging ever “Instead”,

    Its core in rejection admiring!..
