is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Not-Believer Temple

    Not-Believer Temple

    Not-Believer is not Un-believer,

    Making sense through reforming Un-senseless:

    Will be life his unworldly and river,

    Like Creator, he passes that helpless,


    Joining banks for those shades of the souls,

    Which abandoned the flesh of Believing:

    Don’t turn back each new time, your Goal

    Is achieving so near, you, Leader!..


    Through rejection that in acquisition

    Of the recipe zealous prepared,

    Not-Believer, a shining magician,

    Tastes beliefs feeding them what he dared.


    All that Daring is key Foundation

    For the measurements craving for stones:

    Building Faiths of them Multination,

    That Humanity’s be hopes and moans…


    Chiseling Idols a-half, not to crush them,

    Not-Believer Experience worships:

    In its core, its flame – and its Lashing –

    Fascination, equipped like a warship.


    And in battle – Belief – sending courage,

    They defeat for the sake of Triumphal,

    Where non-joining “Not” in an Outrage

    After that for Asserted build Temple!..

