is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • First Love (1)

    Long buried in the drawer
    the photograph looked at me
    as a dimly lit chink of a door.
    Behind my father my first love stood,
    violin in hand, her freshness all aglow
    on the stage of teenagehood.
    An old song softly made its way,
    a haunting of harmonica and piano
    calling to mind her standing one summer day
    on a balcony, then a balcony with snow.
    She married years later, while my father
    was swept away by an alien tide
    so that during my visits once a year
    I heard his drunken laughter masking fear,
    great artistic promise not quite meeting
    the luminous, long-remembered career.


    The photo went back in the drawer.
    The bedroom curtain tapped and stirred.
    Dandelion seeds were scattered, blown away
    as the summer light with the voice of a bird,
    a faint afternoon perfume, stood aglow
    opening a strange and familiar window
    to one moment long before the girl -
    when peace and joy were themselves the glow
    of what didn't care to possess, achieve, or know.
