is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Those Twelve

    A piece of May slanting its way,
    falling on the piano’s worn-out wood,
    a peace cradling May had this to say:
    the 79 year old body that you wore
    writhing and struggling two months before
    on a hospital bed some twenty blocks away,
    succumbing to delirium -
    that's all the doctors could see...
    They saw and examined the x-ray;
    they saw twelve tumors in the brain
    and alleviated the body's pain.
    They didn't see the spirit's ecstatic storm
    breaking through, blazing through
    the confused and delirious human form...
    The pianist was giving way
    to twelve angels bearing you away,
    the winged fruition of twelve notes
    masterfully handled with your fingers of rain,
    appearing as twelve tumors in the brain.
