is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • CRAYONS....

    Crayons mixed together within my pencil case,

    Never seem to argue by their colour, or their place,

    They simply cling together, offering their use,

    Never with resentment, on which one I shall choose.


    Some appear more popular, dependant on my choice,

    Others wait more patiently, without an angry voice,

    Each one has a purpose, none are left unused,

    They fear no animosity, nor are they abused.


    I see when they are resting, red is next to white,

    Purple sits by orange, without the urge to fight,

    Green prefers the violet, yellow opts for blue,

    Every one contented, by what they have to do.


    Would it not be perfect, if humans were like these,

    Everyone just thankful. to honour and to please,

    Instead of human conflict, living for a cause,

    Sharing love and laughter, instead of starting wars.


    Could I just be dreaming, in hoping this were true,

    Nations in agreement with everything they do,

    No blood spilt in the trenches, nor politicians lies,

    A world that is united, beneath the morning skies.


    They never cast resentment, over which I choose,

    Each one has a purpose, dependant on my use,

    Crayons mixed together, within my pencil case,

    Never seem to argue, by their colour or their place...


    (c) Rob Bristol 2021
