is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Please share this website as much as possible.


    Status Update

    Dawn or Dusk

    First to check

    No exception

    Obsession Or Compulsion 

    Cancerous or benign 

    Status is mine

    Mystery or Suspense 

    No history to prepence

    Probe failed

    Mystery it's not

    2 playing the part

    Duet in Stage

    Audience none

    Suspense none

    Basic instinct 

    Very succinct

    Subtle for Stalking

    A hint in order

    Bigger picture 

    Role playing 

    Kinky or innocent 

    Pawn in the game

    Diabolical Paradoxical

    Thrill of an affair

    No trail left

    Telepathic Romance

    Unsaid emotions 

    Rules laid clear

    Exchanges none

    Motive unclear

    Screwing with my head

    Alibi none

    Transparent in action

    Just an addiction 

    Enjoying the attention 

    While it lasts 

    Have a blast


    Meanings multiple

    Fall for the wrong woman

    Faulkner novel it's not

    Sensuality Sexuality in the air

    As being  stalked

    Exit roads blocked

    Reciprocal in nature

    Guess the future

    Status a mirror

    Reflects my inner

    Likes and dislikes 

    Inside and out

    Silence Maddening

    Awake and changing

    To prove my theory right

    Vibrations and Energy 

    One of Synergy

    Playing games

    Suspension of disbelief 

    Reads like a novel

    How do I let it roll

    Mind takes its toll

    Guessing game

    No chequered flag

    Answer in time

    Give it a name

    WhatsApp Flame

