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  • The chronicles : Of The Conversations with (Pain)


    M (me)
    P (pain)

    M: Pain does hurt more than some times.

    P : Dont blame me, i'm here to help.

    M: Help ?!

    P: No pain, no gain. Remember ?!
    Hey, what dont kill you, makes you stronger.

    M: Do you like, aim for the 'kill' , then settle for hurt ?

    P: Lol. Case in point. There is humour in me.
    You tell , brave stories of honour, through me. Pride.
    What the hell ?! Careers have been established because of me. Psycho-analyse that. And take a chill-pill.

    M: So you take 'pride' from / at what you do to people ?

    P : Wouldnt you ? If you were achieving excelllence in what you were intended for, your mission.
    By the way, people stop thinking you are the center of attention, by that i mean 'universe' .

    M : whats your relation, relativeness (so to speak ), to / with time ? Now that you are here and all, i figured i should use this chance.

    P : Pain and time, are siblings (if i may), are colleagues, 'in business together'  (if you like).
    They are both in the 'same' mission but on 'different' missions .

    M : And what is that mission ?

    P : You will have to figure that out by yourself.

    Make it your mission, if you like.

    M: What is your cause ( course) , your purpose ?

    P : I am because i am

    M : What does that mean ?

    P : Time will tell and lead you the answer to that.

    M : Why do you have to be so elaborate and delibarate ?

    P : For point of 'emphasis' .

    Hey, you people are stubborn.
    Besides, competition with my siblings is very stiff.

    M : siblings ?!

    P : Yeah siblings, love, joy, happiness, peace, and all, you know. Pride.
    I dont have time for them all at once.

    M : Yeah ?! But you are the bully.

    P : its all in the mind. Matter of perspective.
    Do i not arise from your judge-mentality ? Your judgementalism towards each other.
    I mean, think about it.

    M : Yes. Because of your trickery so as your ' will be done' .

    P : Quite the contrary. I too, arise from cause and effect. It is ( i am) done by your will.
    I am just, a 'guiding reminder' for and from decisions and actions.
    Let me direct your angle from another perspective ;
    I leave for closure and from closure comes healing and from healing the learning continues.

    M : Do not get smarty clever with me.

    P : Its the ignorance thats paining, really.

    M : I am willing to ignore you, any time of day.

    P : Try ignoring life and see what your life will be.

    Besides, i could still come at night.
    M : Its because of your dark ways, you lurking in the shadows.

    P : Its because of you lacking to escape your shadows.
    You should lighten up.
