is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • You're never alone

    When life seems hard spinning out of control
    You feel you have no friends at all
    Don't give up, no need to fall
    Just remember this you're never alone 


    When you stand with your back to the wall
    You fall to your knees and have to crawl
    Never give in, never give up
    No matter what this world shows
    You're never alone


    You're never alone
    Someone's at your side
    Though sometimes it's hard to see


    You're never alone 
    You do have friends
    Who will help in your time of need


    Lost you feel like life's unreal
    You're at your wits end it seems
    Don't get bogged down
    You're never alone 


    You're never alone
    Someone's at your side
    Though sometimes it's hard to see


    You're never alone 
    You do have friends
    Who will help in your time of need
