is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • profile

    Author: Tony Anderson

    I write poetry and short stories in order to express my feelings and thoughts. I do have a blogsite with poems . Short stories, and hotos. The adress is



    Don't just stand there
    Spread your wings and fly 
    Soar to the highest point
    Never touch down 


    You can achieve your dreams 
    You just have to believe


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    Eternal Glow

    Burning fire in my soul
    Love's eternal glow


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    Hey funny man

    Hey funny man
    Up there dancing and clowning around 
    Hey funny man
    With painted face, baggy clothes, and large shoes


    When the show's over
    The makeup and the costume removed
    The person the audience doesn't see


    A man of deep sparrow
    A man of gloom
    A past that haunts him
    Sadness and doom


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    Love is like a flame in your heart
    Passion is the fuel that make the flame go


    Do what you love
    Do it with passion
    Warm this cold world
    With the growing fire within you


    Do what you love
    Do it with passion 
    Shire bright within this dark world
    With the fire that burns within you


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    The walls that surround mt heart

    Have been there a long time

    The coldness of the world

    Have built those walls


    The walls the surround my heart

    were built stone by stone

    were built brick by brick

    Hateful words

    Hateful stares

    have helped build those walls


    The walls that surround my heart


    Is the mortar that holds the walls together

    Icy looks and glares

    Freezing the mortar tight


    The wall that surround my heart

    Close in 

    Trapping me in

    All I want to do is to die


    The walls that surround my heart

    An emotional cage

    A prison

    Death waiting to happen


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    When I tell you that I love you

    When I tell you that I love you
    I mean it from the bottom of my heart
    I mean it from the bottom of my soul
    There is no mountain high enough
    No valley low enough
    No ocean deep enough
    No river wide enough
    That compares to my love for you

    When I tell you that I love you
    An eternal burning fire
    Has been lit within me
    The flames of which can never be put out
    Even if we part ways
    Never speak to each other again 
    Never see each other again 
    The flame you lit with my soul
    Will continue to burn


    When I tell you that I love you 
    You will never hear words spoken so true
    With every fiber of who I am
    I will prove those words to you 


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    Blood Flow

    Red rivers of blood flows

    From the wounds upon his body 


    Left for dead


    A used sexually




    Red rivers of blood flows

    From the wounds upon his body


    Left for dead


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    Sometimes I say I'm fine
    When in reality 
    I am fuing inside
    I say I'm fine
    Because I have no words
    To express what is happen


    Sometimes I say I'm fine
    I am falling apart


    Sometimes I say I'm fine 
    I feel as if I am on 
    Death's doorstep
    Waiting for that door to open
    So I may go in


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    Full Moon

    When the full moon rises

    the beast within me comes out to play

    My eyes grow wide

    My nails long

    My hair gets long to


    I howl at the moon

    I howl for joy

    I howl for freedom


    I run

    a hunting savage I am

    chasing my prey through the night

    I run

    feeling the wind rush by as I go


    All through the night



    Freedom at it's finest


    In the morning

    The sun rises

    I return to myself once more

    The nights adventure as ended



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    Sometimes you have to walk the edge
    Sometimes you must stand on the brink
    Before you can start to rebuild your life.


    Sometimes you have to lose everything 
    Sometimes you must start from the very beginning 
    Before you can recover 
    Before you can restart


    Life is a rollercoaster with many ups and downs
    You need to roll with the tide when it comes
    Never give in
    Never give up
    No matter what life throws your way


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    Drinking contest

    2 competitors
    100 shots of whiskey each
    One by one
    They down their glass
    Until one of them
    Falls on their ass

    Words get said
    Words are slurred
    Some words are not even heard


    Still they go
    One after the other.
    Drunken and sad
    Shot after shot
    Until one passes out


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    The sun sets over the ocean 
    Like the paintbrush stroke from a master painter


    The sun sets over the ocean
    You can almost hear the hiss
    As the sun "touches" the water
    Upon the horizon 


    The sun sets over the ocean 
    The stars come out
    The moon rises
    Night has fallen 


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    What is life all about

    Has anyone figured it out

    It seems to be a confusing mess

    Full of pain and distress


    I know

    I know

    I know


    Life is what we make of it

    Live it full

    Don't run away from it

    Travel your path

    Learn along the way

    Learn all you can

    Until your dying day


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    Fire in my soul

    I won't apologize for the fire in my soul
    That burning desire to rise above my circumstances 
    To better myself and those around me


    I won't apologize for the fire in my soul
    The world can try
    But it can't put it out


    No matter what the world throws at me
    I will burn right through it and move on
    That is how hot that fire burns
    Once it's lit
    Nothing can stand in my way
    Nothing can stop me


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    Life crash

    I run away from my feelings all day

    I'm drivin mad by the voice in my head

    I can't take this shit all day

    My life is going to crash


    I try and try to do what I can

    But I find my life in the trash again

    It seems nothing can go my way



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    Cold world

    Don't let the wickedness of the world, freeze your heart and soul


    Let the warmth of love and compassion melt the coldness and hatred away


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    Natural world

    The trees cry out
    They cry sap
    For the damage done to the natural world


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    What Promise

    What promise can you give me
    What word can you say
    To make me believe you love me
    Not just wanting to throw my heart away.


    Will you lift me up
    To rise and know love once more
    Will you let me crash upon the rocks of life
    To live no more


    I ask again 
    What promise 
    What word
    What bond
    Would make it worth to love you


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    White Rabbit

    Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole 
    Follow him to places unknown
    All is wonderful and fancy free
    An adventure for you and me


    Dwarves and more
    Come come a brand new world to explore


    Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole 
    Follow the white rabbit and enjoy


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    I am who I am

    I am who I am
    You may not like me
    But that's ok
    You are entitled to that


    I will not change who I am
    Just to be liked by you
    You either accept me or you don't 
    That choice is yours


    I am who I am
    I am a strong willed person
    With opinions and ideas
    That may not agree with yours
    So be it


    Just because we don't agree on somethings
    Doesn't mean we can't be friends 
    As long as we respect each other
    A friendship can grow
    If however you wish to not be friends 
    So be it


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    You will not change me

    You hate me
    I love you
    You despise me
    I love you


    You want to see me


    I want to see you
    Be built up


    You try and you try to bring me down
    You can't change me
    No matter how hard you try
    I am still who I am 
    And nothing you say or do will change that
    That's right NOTHING


    Go ahead do your worst
    It will do you no good


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    Religious Robot

    A religious robot I am not
    A mindless
    Robot I am not
    I have a voice and I will speak
    God gave me that voice


    I may be young
    But through God I am strong
    When I think things are not fight
    I will voice my opinion 


    You can tell me to sit down and shut up
    You can say I'm to young
    Therefore I have no idea what I'm talking about


    Go ahead and mock me
    See where it gets you


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    Toast to life

    Raise your glasses
    A toast to life we make

    Life has highs and lows
    Ups and downs
    A rollercoaster ride of emotions 

    Toast to life
    Joy and fun
    Life is a journey 
    Life is a path
    Travel and learn
    All that you can

    A toast to life
    Raise your glasses high
    We only live once
    Enjoy the ride


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    Your gentle touch
    Let's me know I have a friend
    Your gentle touch
    Calms my fears

    Life doesn't seem so bad
    When I am holding your hand
    The sky seems more blue
    Darkness and trouble
    Seemed to stay away
    When I am with you

    You let me know
    I will never be alone
    If ever I need someone
    You are there

    Through the good and the bad
    Through the joy and the tears
    Even at our worst
    I know I can count on you


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    My Poem

    This is my poem
    My words
    The dagger in my heart
    The knife in my back

    This my poem
    The emotional chains that bind me
    The emotional vines that wrap around me and won't let me free

    This is my poem
    My emotional flood
    The pouring of

    This is my poem
    My journey
    The joy of life
    The pain that sometimes is

    This is my poem
    My life
    My hurt
    My struggles

    This is my poem
    The flowing of tears
    The laughing like a loon

    This is my poem
    My tears
    My blood
    My sweat
    My struggles
    The road I follow
    The path I walk
    My freedom
    My prison
    My gain
    My loss
    My joys
    My punishment

    This is my poem
    This i...

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    The surgeries she has had in her life
    Have left many scars
    Many people laugh at her
    Many people make fun of her
    All because she was born different

    I  for one see past the scars
    I see the beautiful person she is
    She is shy
    Afraid I will laugh
    Just as all the others have
    I have shown her my scars
    Told her my story
    Still she is weary

    I don't blame her
    When all the kids laughed at me
    It took time
    Time to heal
    Time open up again
    Time to love

    Yes I understand
    For now we are just friends
    She at least trusts me that much
    I am cool with that


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    The Last Time

    The last time I saw you

    It was at the store


    We had been high school lovers

    Our relationship had been strong

    But by the end of high school

    you had found another

    I was the one left alone


    We talked for a moment

    About old times

    Friends we've kept in contact with

    Friends we've lost track of


    As we talked

    I could tell

    Neither one of us

    Was quite comfortable

    The electricity was there

    But the spark was gone


    Finally we said goodbye

    As I passed

    You whispered into my ear

    "I still love you"


    As I finished my shopping

    Those words warmed my heart


    That was the last time I saw you

    I have not seen you since

    I hope you are well


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    Love Is

    Love is like a red, red rose

    Always lovely as it grows

    Yes there are thorns upon the stem

    Those thorns wont hurt if you let love in


    Love is like an unending vine

    Springing forth to attach your heart to mine

    Look close and you will see

    Just how much you mean to me


    Love is like a bound man free

    Free and boundless for all to see

    No longer a slave to him who kept him bound

    Once was lost but now am found


    Love is like a very fine wine

    Something that just gets sweeter with time

    As it goes and as it age

    May it last all your days


    Love is like a bird on the wing

    Free to soar upon the breeze

    Up in the skies far above

    This is a symbol of boundless love


    Love is like a story best told by two

    May it be told ...

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    On the Road Again

    On the road again

    Traveling life's highways




    And then

    on to places I've never been


    Seeing the sights

    Enjoying the sounds

    Just beung in the car

    On the open road

    Before me





    Missouri again

    Home after a long trip


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    They Tell You

    They Tell You
    They tell you
    They tell you

    Who to be friends with
    Who to date
    How to dress
    How to act
    So on and so on
    They keep telling you how to live you life

    The media
    The Government

    Brain wash
    All of them
    Trying to hold you
    By mental and emotional chains
    Peer pressure
    is another tool
    in their game

    The brain washing goes back for years
    To the earliest of times
    When humans first appeared


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    My heart hurts
    My heart aches
    Welling up from the pit

    burning away this person that I am
    All that will be left
    Yet the fire will burn on
    My ashes
    My dust
    In pain forevermore

    A bottomless pit
    within my soul
    Voices cry out
    Screams of tortures
    Screams of pain
    crying dry tears


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    Wrapped Up In You

    How do I love you. well let me see
    I love you like a lyric love a melody
    Jesus, completely wrapped up in you
    How do I need you, well can't you tell
    I need you like a penny needs a wishing well
    Jesus, completely wrapped up in you

    Lord every now and then when the world
    That we're living in is crazy
    You Share your love to carry me through
    No one in the world has ever done
    What you do for me and I'd be
    Sad and lonely Without you

    How do I love you, well count the ways
    There ain't a number high enough to end this phrase
    Jesus, completely wrapped up in you

    How do I love you, well, don't you know
    I love you about as deep as any love can grow
    Jesus, completely wrapped up in you


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    Night Sky

    The stars shine bright

    The worlds spin in the heavenly dance across the sky

    We lay here upon the lawn

    Looking up


    While the stars shine

    While the worlds spin

    My thoughts begin to wonder

    About this world

    And our place in it

    Where that place is

    As long as you're with me

    It will be ok


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    I treasure your love

    I treasure your love
    Every single day we are together 
    Is magic 
    You cast a spell upon my heart
    Now I am yours forever


    I treasure your love 
    Like a gem hidden deep within the Earth
    It took me a while to find it
    But now that I have
    I shall never let it go


    Your love is worth more than
    Your love is worth more than 
    All the money in the world


    Your love means so much to me
    I would be lost without it
    Your love is
    My stronghold 
    My shelter 
    It protects me from life's raging storms


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    Let's go on a road trip

    Let's go on a road trip 
    Just pack up and go
    No maps
    No time limits
    Just go and leave it all behind 


    Let's go on a road trip 
    Adventures abound 
    New places
    New faces
    New memories for life


    Let's go on a road trip 
    The road to place unknown
    Let's go on a road trip 


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    The Aborted Child

    Mommy, Why did you kill me

    Why did you let them take me from you

    Why did you let them rip me from your womb before it was time

    I know I was brought by


    Wrongful love affair

    Bad decision

    However I could have made you so proud of me

    I could have made you rejoice at my birth

    However you killed me and dashed my hopes


    I did nothing wrong

    I loved you mommy

    Yet you killed me

    I wanted to be your child

    I wanted to make you laugh and be joyful

    I had potential if only you gave me the chance to use it

    Yet you killed me


    I do not understand

    Please tell me did I do something wrong

    Did I cause you pain

    Why did you kill me mommy


    I love you

    Yet you let them tear us apart

    Why did you not love me as well

    I know I came thr...

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    Little Children

    Little children

    Bought and sold

    For sex and other nasty games


    Little children


    Into submission


    Or worse things


    Why must some people do this

    Why must they hurt

    Those so young

    These young ones are our future

    The ones how will one day

    Run our country


    Little children

    Taken from home

    Stolen from thier family


    Will this shit

    Ever end

    Will these people

    Ever wise up

    To see the truth


    Everyone hurts

    In the end

    Everyone Hurts

    These people are only breeding

    Hatred and bitterness

    Out of our young ones

    There people are only adding

    To the boiling pool of distruction


    That will one day kill u...

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    Don't Play With Me

    Woman, don’t taunt me

    Don’t play games with my mind

    Yeah, I admit your body looks fine

    What’s going on up top, that’s what I want to know

    Don’t play with my emotions, my heart, my soul


    Don’t flash me your wares

    Yeah, great pair

    Those I could well do without

    What, are we gonna pout

    Because I’m not impressed by the size of your breasts

    I don’t want a woman who looks like great art

    If she doesn’t show me she is at least a little smart


    A good looking woman will talk about herself all day

    That kind of talk just pushes me away

    Or they talk about things that don’t matter

    Man, I can do without all that chatter

    Looks are good

    Looks are fine

    I however want to know your mind


    Let me know your feelin...

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    Our Treehouse

    Board by board

    Nail by nail

    We build our treehouse





    We build our treehouse


    This will be the best treehouse ever

    Pool table




    We'll invent a secret knock

    We'll talk in code

    This more thab a treehouse

    More than a club

    This will be like a second home


    Our treehouse will have

    A tv with cabel

    Computers with internet

    Water cannons

    Waterbaloon lunchers

    At every window

    To defend our fortress


    There'll be a poker table

    A hot tub

    A dart board

    Our treehouse will be the best in the




    The entire world


    A zipline

    A cargo ne...

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    You Can't Hold Me Down

    You can’t hold me down

    You can’t hold me

    You can beat me and drag me through the mud

    You can’t hold me down

    You can call me every name you can ever think of

    You can’t hold me down


    For I am human

    I dare to laugh, lean, dream, fly

    For my spirit dares to soar

    I must obey it’s calling

    Yes, I must obey


    For to let you hold me down would be worse than death

    For to let you try and break my will

    Sorry, my will can not be broken

    My spirit can not be crushed


    Again my spirit says go

    I must obey it’s calling

    No matter what you do

    No matter what you say

    Remember, I have a spirit

    I must be free


    No, you can’t hold me

    No matter your comments

    No matter the pain


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    Don't Judge Me

    Don't judge me

    I am not what you see

    I know I have Birth defects

    I know I was born differant than you

    I have risen above my problems

    To show you my heart beats true


    Don't judge me

    For the scares upon my skin

    They do not define me

    Nor the soul that lies within

    I just want to be accepted

    I just want to be friends


    Don't judge me

    You have no idea what I've been through

    The surgeries

    The pain

    The heartache

    The rain

    Cuts and bruises from defending myself

    from bullies like you

    So shut your mouth



    Don't judge me

    My birth defects

    My problems

    Are just a small part of my life

    Look beyond all that

    See me through new eyes



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    The bones of the past

    They haunt me

    The blood of the past

    Spills over me like a waterfall

    The sins of the past

    Causes many tears


    I had a dream one night

    I was walking through a field of complete waste

    Bones started coming out of the ground

    Voices from these remains

    Started shouting accusing me of such shame

    As punishment I am to walk the land

    Alone until the end of time


    A stack of bone lies in the middle of the field

    The skulls start their chanting of accusation

    “You left me hungry”

    “You did not cloth me”

    “You left me out in the cold”

    On and on the accusations came without end

    Blood starts in the center of the stack and is forced outward

    Before the blood reaches me I move on


    The ghosts of my...

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    The Dark Horse

    The dark horse comes

    Death is on it’s way

    The dark horse comes

    The rider brings dismay

    He’s after my soul

    He wont let go


    The dark horse comes

    I will not run

    The dark horse comes

    The death race has begun

    He comes with hooves striking the stone

    Sparks flare up within it’s path

    He comes for the life

    That is my own


    The dark horse comes

    It’s eyes are bloodshot red

    The dark horse comes

    The sight of which

    Makes you dread

    Fire flares from every opening

    Blood flows free and clear

    It is the thing

    Of every fear


    The dark horse comes

    It rides through the night

    The dark horse comes

    What a troublesome sight

    Every worst nightmare

    However I can not he...

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    Hold On To Your Dreams

    Hold on to your dreams




    Reach for the highest

    Don't stay grounged

    Never back down

    Never give up


    Hold on to your dreams

    Your truest self

    Never stop dreaming

    Never stop soaring

    Never stop reaching for your goals


    Hold on to your dreams

    No matter how hard they seam

    To achieve

    A little hard work to go through

    For you never know what you can do

    Until you try


    Hold on to your dreams

    Follow the path where it leads

    The path has curves

    At times it is covered in shadow

    Your goals await to be achieved

    Just take heart

    Stay strong


    Hold on to your dreams

    Never back down

    Never give up


    Hold on to your dreams


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    I slam therefore I am (Tribute to poetry slams)

    I slam therefore I am
    I write
    And breath poetry
    It flows through my veins
    It is at the very core of my existence

    I slam therefore I am
    Every word
    Every  emotion
    An out pouring of life
    Human life at it's purest

    I slam therefore I am
    We stand up here
    Mic in our hand
    Pouring out our
    Trying to help people understand
    Who we truly are
    Where we truly stand

    I slam therefore I am
    I am Human
    I have a voice
    That voice must be heard


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    The Yearning

    Your love is like a wild wind

    Always free

    Always free

    May I someday share in that love

    To feel it's freedom

    To feel it's joy


    I have loved you

    Thoughyou never knew

    My feelings I hide

    For fear

    Fear of rejection

    Fear you will hate me

    Fear of loosing a great friend


    Yet I want to be more than friends

    I yearn to be with you

    My heart cries for you

    For it wishes to join with your heart and soul

    I wish to be a part of your life

    To share your joys

    To share your pain

    To laugh with you

    To cry with you


    I love you

    Though you will never know

    Though they are just three little words

    They choke me up everytime I try to express them


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    Hey Tony

    Hey Tony
    This is your desk chair
    Get up man I can't breathe
    Also watch those chilies
    That was a bad fart
    You ripped off earlier
    I'll be smelling that one
    For a month at least

    Hey Tony
    This is your computer
    Nice love poem you typed up
    Is it for me
    I know you computer boys
    Like computers with big gigs

    Hey Tony
    This is your stove
    Somethings burning in here
    Dude I'm throwing up smoke here
    Get in here and turn me off
    Before the house burns down

    Hey Tony
    This is your bed
    Dude I swear if you talk in your sleep
    I will choke you with the covers
    Or smother you with a pillow
    Your keeping me up at night


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    Highschool Loser

    I love her
    She doesn't even know I am alive
    She is one of the popular ones
    I am one left in the dustpan of life

    My heart beats for her
    My blood flows for her
    I wish to be with her

    It will never happen
    We are from two different worlds
    She has her popular friends
    I have no one

    I am the one bullies always prey on
    Make fun of
    Laugh at and tease
    Beat up
    Or play mean jokes on

    I am nothing to her
    I hope
    I dream
    For the day she sees me
    And the love I have for her

    Until then
    The shadows is where I remain
    An outcast
    To love in secret
    While bullies have there mean fun


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    After a day of hiking

    I set up camp and light a fire

    As I do I begin to sing praises to God

    As the fire begins to kindle

    I begin to sway

    To the rythum God has place in

    My heart

    My soul

    My entire being

    As the flames grow bigger

    I start to dance

    I dance joyfully

    I dance fully

    Dancing around the campfire

    Just letting myself go

    Letting the rythum take me

    Letting my feet go as they will

    The bigger the flames get

    The more profound and intense

    The rythum

    The joy

    The shear pleasure of just being at one with myself

    At one with praising God

    At one with the Holy Spirit

    The bigger the flames get

    The more profound and intense

    My emotions

    My joy

    The faster I dance

    The more energy I pour out

    I dance for...

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    These Old Shoes

    With these old shoes I have

    Walked many paths

    Chased cattle

    Fixed fence


    With these old shoes I have

    Hauled hay

    worked in the garden

    Burned brush


    Me and these old shoes have

    Shared memories

    Felt pain

    celebrated joys


    These old shoes have had a long life

    Been through much toil

    Been through much strife

    They have gathered holes

    They have been cut


    These old shoes have been

    Coated with mud

    Dusted with dirt

    Covered in hay


    These old shoes

    Are old

    Worn out

    They have had a good life

    Time to retire them

    I will miss these shoes


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    In the corner of her room
    She sits with head between her legs
    She has been abused
    By those she called  family and friends
    By those
    She was supposed to trust
    Trust, yeah right, whatever
    Those demons stole from her
    Those demons tore her soul to shreds

    In the corner of her room
    She sits with head between her legs
    She does not cry
    For crying would let them win
    Give them a victory
    She can not
    She will not allow


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    Fly Be Free

    Be Free
    Hold nothing back
    Let loose all bonds

    Be free
    Let your spirit sour
    High into the clouds

    Be free
    Be your true self
    Walk your own path
    Blaze a new trail

    Be free
    To never be held down again

    Be free
    To release built up energy
    To electrify your life
    As well as all those around you

    Be free
    Unleash your potential
    Your truest form
    Your heart
    Your soul
    For the world to see

    Be free
    Say to the world
    I am here
    I live
    I love
    I don't matter


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    A toast to life
    A toast for overcoming troubles
    Raise your glasses
    Raise them high
    Life has it's problems
    But with friends like you
    Life's problems are small

    A toast to life
    A toast to friendship
    Life long friends
    New friends
    It doesn't matter
    You're all welcome into the circle
    Come laugh
    Come sing
    Come join in fellowship
    We raise our glasses to all

    A toast to life
    A toast to love
    Love is a great emotion
    Passionate and true
    True love
    Will always find a way
    Love is amazing
    Love is awesome
    Raise your glasses high
    For the love of friends
    For the love of family
    For the love of all

    A toast to life
    A toast to memories
    Laugh out loud memories
    Moments of peaceful conversations
    The birth of a child
    The graduation of a ...

    Continue Reading...


    Children living in the streets
    Cardboard boxes
    Under bridges

    They have no one they can trust
    Everyone they had trusted
    Had let them down
    Some emotionally
    Some physically
    Some in ways I Will not speak

    These children are runaways
    Running from the evil that haunts them
    Running from the society
     That has done them wrong

    Some children
    Instead of running
    Choose to take their own lives
    For they feel
    That no matter what the do
    They are trapped
    Death is the only escape

    Children living in the streets
    Cardboard boxes
    Under bridges


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    Time marching forward 
    Time marching on 

    You can not stop
    The hands of time from turning 
    No matter how hard you try
    So make the most of it
    Live every 
    As if it were your last 

    Live every 
    To its fullest 
    Hold nothing back 
    Let lose all bonds 
    Be free as the wind blows 
    Let your spirit soar


    Continue Reading...

    I am Free

    I am free
    Free to write
    Free to explore
    Free to dream

    I am free to write
    My feelings
    My thoughts
    No holding back
    No restraints
    Letting my emotions flow
    Telling the world around me
    Just what I think about it

    I am free to explore
    To blaze new trails
    For the excitement of this journey
    We call life
    Finding new places
    Meeting new faces

    I am free to dream
    Reach for my goals
    To never give up
    To never let go


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    You'll Never See Me Fall

    You may see me struggle,

    But you won't see me fall.

    Regardless if I'm weak or not,

    I'm going to stand tall.


    Some people think life is easy,

    But truly living it is not.

    Times get hard, people struggle,

    And are constantly put on the spot.


    I'm going to wear the biggest smile, Even though I want to let fly.

    I'm to fight to keep living, though at the moment we are all destined to die.

    Even though it's hard and I may struggle through it all, 

    You may see me struggle but

    you'll NEVER see me FALL


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    I'm Not Perfect

    I'm not pefect

    I make mistakes

    I make choices

    I'm not pefect

    There is nothing

    You can say or do

    That will change that


    Because I live for myself

    Not for you

    You have no right

    Telling me how I should live

    You have no right

    Telling me you know better than I


    You do not walk my path

    You do not know my story

    You may not think that I am perfect

    Fine by me


    I am the one who lives this life

    Not you

    I have made mistakes

    I am better for those mistakes

    For I have learned from them


    I'm not perfect

    My life does not fit into the box

    You call perfection

    My life may not mean much to the world around me

    The world can not control me

    I do not live to p...

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    Do You Come

    Do you come seeking adventure

    Have you tasted that sweet nectar

    Do you want more

    Are you willing to push yourself

    To the limit and beyond

    Do you strive to be the best you can


    Do you come ready for action

    Ready to go

    No holding back

    Breaking loose from all bonds


    Do you come prepared

    For both the known and the unknown


    Do you know the path

    Traveling to the far corners of the Earth

    If needed

    Running in and out of danger


    I ask again

    Do you come seeking adventure


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    Naked I stand before the world

    Every scar

    Every wound

    A testimony of my life

    Every lesson

    Every truth

    To be seen by all

    I hold nothing back


    Naked I stand before the world

    To lay bare the truth that has been revealed to me

    To show the world

    Yes, it may hurt me

    Yes, it may leave it’s scars

    No, it wont keep me down

    I will come back fighting


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    Dragon Rider

    I am dragon rider

    I fly through the air

    Upon the back of my winged serpent


    I am dragon rider

    Together we seek out

    To destroy our foe

    To bring justice to the unjust

    To right the wrongs

    done by evil people


    I am dragon rider

    When my winged friend and I

    take to the sky

    Evil can run

    But it can ot hide

    We will find it

    And when we do

    We will deal with it


    So evil doers

    Watch out

    Dragon rider is coming

    Justice will be served


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    We Shall Be Free

    We shall be free

    When we accept each other

    For who we are

    Not trying to tear each other down


    Yes there are differances between us

    That is just the spice of life

    What makes the human existence

    Exciting and fun


    If we were all the same

    Life would be BORING

    Nothing to jazz things up

    If we were all the same

    Life itself would be a pain


    We shall be free

    When we open up to those around us

    Instead of shuting them out

    When we can learn from each other

    Instead of hate


    Each person

    Has their own walk in life

    Let's celebrate each other's walk

    And learn what they can teach


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    I Love You





    Love with

    All my heart





    My one and only

    My true passion

    My true love


    I love you

    I will never forget you

    Though we have parted

    You will always be on my





    I love you now

    As I loved you then


    You have never left my thoughts

    Nor will you ever


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    July 4th Love

    They sit on a blanket on top of the hill

    As the fireworks display starts

    They hold hands

    Their hearts beat to

    The rhythm of the exploding fireworks

    They look into each others eyes

    The light from the bursts

    Reflect with their eyes

    They kiss

    As a heart shape


    Bursts within the night sky


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    I am Country

    I am country

    I am the dirt roads

    I am dusty fields

    I am the water running through the creek

    I am a child in the summer running barefoot in the grass

    I am the hard working farmer in the field


    I am country

    I am fireflies in the summer night sky

    I am the wild animals hiding in the woods

    I am friends and family gathering for summer time BBQs


    I am country

    I am fish swimming in the lake

    I am trees blowing in the wind

    I am the child on the swing

    I am the parent taking pictures


    I am country

    I am small town fairs

    I am small town values


    I am small town


    I am country


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    I am the Freak

    I am the freak

    Bleed me

    Destroy me

    Burn my soul if you want

    I can not change who I am

    All I wanted was a friend


    You all shun me

    You all turn away


    I am the freak


    I am human

    I have feelings

    I have emotions

    I fall in love

    So even though I am a freak

    I am not much different than you


    I am the freak

    Peirce my side

    Make me bleed in great waves

    You can destroy my body


    My spirit

    My soul

    Can not be destroyed


    I am the freak

    Though I get laghed at

    Though they throw their mud

    I still dream

    I still aspire

    To better myself

    To better those around me


    I am the freak

    You all have pointed that ou...

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    Toast To Life

    Raise your glasses

    Raise them high

    Let us drink

    A toast to life

    Don't let life get you down

    Let's laugh, joke, and pass the drinks around


    Toast to life

    In all it's ways

    Let's all drink

    Into a drunken haze

    Come on friends

    Don't let life get you down

    Let's laugh, joke,and pass the drinks around


    Life has troubles

    This is true

    I'll give you a bottle

    For a swig or two

    Come on friends

    Don't let life get you down


    Let's laugh, joke,and pass the drinks around


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    Who Am I

    Who am I

    I really don't know

    I seem to fit

    Whatever I'm told


    People keep telling me

    Who I am

    Instead of Letting me explore

    To find out for myself


    People seem to think

    I am a puppet on a string

    To dance

    To bend

    To conform

    To their way

    At the tug of a string


    Why can't they leave me alone

    Let me stretch my wings

    To let me fly

    Soar above all obstacles in my way

    Just to glide over them

    To find my true self


    I need to explore

    I need let loose all bonds

    I need to find myself



    Who am I

    I don't know

    Never had the chance to find out

    Every time I try

    Someone pulls me back

    Someone binds me in chains<...

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    Backyard Football

    Backyard football

    Is there no greater sport

    No helmets

    No uniforms

    No pads

    Just you and the Earth


    Caked with dirt

    Caked with mud

    A few cuts here and there

    That was part of the fun

    Just playing

    Just enjoying time together

    With friends

    With family

    With everyone


    Rain did not stop us

    We kept playing

    Lightning Thunder roar

    The game was the thing

    The fun

    The joy



    Rolling in the mud


    A flury or two

    We did not care

    We still played

    Storm warnings

    What were those

    We have a game to play


    Backyard football

    Is there no greater sport

    No helmets

    No uniforms

    No pads


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    Come Into the Jungle

    Come into the jungle

    The fire burns

    As the flames grow higher

    So does the beating of your heart

    As the flames grow higher

    So does that wide eye stare


    Come into the jungle

    Become one with all that is around you

    Hold nothing back

    Let yourself be free

    Let yourself trully be


    Come into the jungle

    Open yourself to your purest form

    Open yourself to the jungle dweller

    Lurking within you


    Become who you truly are


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    What Are You Thinking



    Quiet one

    What are you thinking


    Are you contemplating

    The human existence

    Are you wondering down

    The pathways of the human soul

    Maybe you are

    Dreaming and scheming

    Plans for the future




    Quiet one

    What are you thinking


    Are you thinking

    About the one who broke your heart

    Smashed it to peices

    Tore it apart

    Or maybe

    Contemplating the cosmos

    And our relation to it

    Coming up with some grand theary to connect it all




    Quiet one

    What are you thinking


    Are you trying to solve

    The world's problems

    Are you thinking

    Of writting a book

    Expressing the thoughts and feelings<...

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    These Hands

    With these hands

    I’ve worked the Earth

    I’ve brought forth crops

    That have fed the hungry

    That fed the livestock


    With these hands

    I have loved

    I’ve shown great mercy

    I’ve comforted the lonely

    I’ve brought peace to the needy


    With these hands

    I’ve healed the sick

    I’ve mended the injured

    I’ve fed the hungry

    I’ve educated people


    With these hands

    I’ve built up cities

    I’ve given the homeless a home


    These hands are




    They have done their job

    They have kept up with demand

    Now it is time for rest


    These hands are old and worn

    With lots of work

    Lots of labor


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    The Voice

    I am the voice

    Of one calling for freedom

    I am the voice

    Of one shouting in the streets

    I am the voice

    Of one excited with joy

    I am the voice

    Of one without food to eat


    Voices come from everywhere

    Can you hear them

    They are calling

    They are crying

    They need to be heard


    I am the voice

    Of a farmer working in the field

    I am the voice

    Of one sick and ill

    I am the voice

    Singing a song

    I am the voice

    Just humming along


    The voice of the people

    The voice of a nation

    Sing with joy

    Or moaning with dread

    Raise your voice


    Let it be heard


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    The Virgin

    I stand before the world

    A virgin





    My knowledge of the world

    Is shallow at best

    Every mistake I make

    Every victory I have

    Brings me closer to the fullness of who I am


    The pure emotions that pour from my soul

    The great fire that burns from the depth within

    Is just an echo of life itself


    I stand before the world

    A virgin






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    Shine On My Friend

    Shine on my friend

    I will miss you

    Your laughter

    Your joy

    Your love of life

    You were one amazing person


    Shine on my friend

    Though you are gone

    You will



    be forgotten

    The memories we made together

    Will not let that happen


    Shine on my friend

    Trough you have past on

    I know you are in a better place

    You will be missed


    Though you have departed from this world

    I now you are in a much better place

    Shine on my friend


    Shine on


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    To live a life of simple ease

    To live where the corn grows

    In the blowing breeze


    To work the cows

    To plow the fields

    To bail the hay

    To bring in the yield


    Life on a farm

    Is simple and true

    From milking the cows

    To using the tools

    Life on a farm

    There is nothing like

    Working in the morn

    To bring the cows to the barn


    Life on the farm

    Is simple and clean

    Alright sometime not

    If you know what I mean

    There’s nothing else like it

    That you’ve ever known

    Life on a farm is sometimes slow


    Life on a farm

    As it is for me

    Truth of hard work


    Truth of honesty


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    Walking down life's lonely road

    All my burdens taking a toll

    I don't know if I can go on

    All seems dark and dead


    These voices in my head

    Filling my mind with dread

    The pain that fills my soul

    The pain that destroys bone


    There is no light

    All is dark in front of me

    Dread and pain

    Sarrow and rain

    All is a gloomy haze







    I feel trapped

    There is no way out

    Sadness floods in

    I drown in tears

    I drown in fears


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    Stand By Me

    Stand by me

    I am your friend

    Stand by me

    I'll walk this path with you to the end


    We are friends

    Have been all our lives

    We lean on each other for support

    In our darkest times


    We've shared joys

    Special moments in our lives

    We've watched each other's kids grow up

    To lead successful lives


    Stand by me

    I am your friend

    Stand by me


    I'll walk this path with you to the end


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    Farm Life

    Sitting underneath this tree

    Feeling the warm summer breeze

    Sitting underneath this tree

    Letting life pass me by


    I work the fields all day long

    Plowing rows and bailing hay

    Bring the cattle in

    To put them in the barn


    There is nothing

    That’s going to change my ways

    Do this a million times

    Always the same

    Do what I grew up

    Knowing how to do

    Is my way of being true


    Sweat pours down my chin

    As I go stacking wood again

    When the cattle start to roam

    I just go out and bring them back home


    When the sun sets at the day’s end

    Time to rest my back again

    Time to let life go


    The easy way


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    Do You

    Do you have the spirit to follow your dreams

    No holding back

    No slowing down


    Do you have the ability to do what it takes

    To not give up your values

    To not loose your spirit


    Do you truly understand what it means

    To give your all

    To not hold back

    To work hard


    Do you desire

    To reach your goals


    To find your gift


    Continue Reading...

    What Right

    What right do you have to judge me

    So I am from a different


    Ethnic group

    Social background





    Yet am I not human

    Do we all not have






    What right do you have to judge me

    So I may have



    Missing limbs

    Emotional scars


    Yet am I not human

    With the same



    Network of veins

    A heart that pumps blood

    Lungs that give air


    What right do you have to judge me

    So I may be







    Yet am I not human

    Do we all not have



    The need...

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    Life is like a roundabout

    Life is sometimes like a roundabout 
    The further in you go
    You get trapped
    Going round and round in circles
    With no way to get back


    Life is like a roundabout 
    No matter how hard you try
    Someone is blocking your way
    So you can't get back to where you need to be


    Life is like a roundabout 
    A vortex pulling you in
    With no way to get out


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    Stand up

    Stand up
    Speak up
    Do not shut up


    You have a voice
    Let it be heard
    You have a voice
    Let it sound strong


    Speak up for what you believe in
    Don't let others get in your way 
    Don't let others shut you down


    Stand up
    Stand strong
    Believe and achieve 


    Continue Reading...


    Within the shadows he exists

    Walking a lonely road

    Covered with skulls and bones


    He does not exsit in this time

    Or any

    His sins have seperated him from all

    He is



    Being punished by his past


    He cries

    Not tears

    Blood flows instead

    Blood pours

    Blood rains down




    As he steps on another bone



    As he steps on another skull


    Demons torment him everyday

    As he walks in great dismay

    He can not run

    He can not hide

    They will find him

    They will torment this poor soul


    He is forever trapped

    Between time

    Btween space

    Nevermore to love

    Nevermore to be loved

    Forever t...

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    Going through this box in the attic

    What did I find

    An old rag doll

    Lost away in time


    This had once belonged to my sister

    So many years ago

    Cancer took her from me

    How I miss her so


    She was only ten

    This doll by her side

    My parents put it away

    The pain of our loss

    Was to much to hide


    When I went to leave home

    This box came along

    I really forgot what was in it

    However God knew all along


    I had placed it in my attic

    Untill I had time

    To Go though this box

    To find out what was now mine


    Now to see this doll

    After so many years

    The memories of my sister

    Brings me to tears


    To put it back in the box

    This I will not do

    It shal...

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    One Beat

    One beat

    One drum beat

    One heart beat

    Since the beginning of time the beat always was

    Beating in continuos form within the storage of the human soul


    The heart skips a beat

    The drum beat changes

    The beat gets faster and more intense

    The throbbing heart feels it will explode with the pressure

    There is no warning to be had that excels within the intents passion

    That spills from this thing called the human being


    The heart skips another beat

    The drum beat pulsates with the driving of the heart

    Faster and faster the heat begins to grow between us

    The heart beat

    The drum beat

    The two beats join forever as one

    The one beat beats out of control

    The emotional high is more than the human soul can contain


    As the beat intensifies in speed and scope


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    With my words

    With my words

    I can topple governments

    Bring down those in high places

    Destroy our very way of living


    With my words

    I can bring healing to those in need

    Comfort the lonely

    Whisper a kind word into hatred


    With my words

    I can bring forth knowledge long forgotten

    The knowledge to help all mankind

    The knowledge to right wrongs

    The knowledge to heal




    Knowledge that can open doors to

    True freedom

    True peace

    The very truth of humanity


    With my words

    I can speak the truth so bold

    Truth whose true knowledge is yet untold

    Truth to listen

    Truth to understand


    Nothing held back

    Open for all to see

    Naked as the day you were born

    Kind of tru...

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    Sometimes a good cry is all we need

    Sometimes a good cry is all we need

    To wash away the darkness

    So our souls can be clean

    Then our souls sparkle

    with a happy  gleam


    Sometimes a good cry is all we need

    The heart groes dark

    sometimes dark as can be

    we open the floodgates

    and let the cleaning start

    Now we have a happy heart


    To cry

    To wash out the inside

    To push the darkness of life away


    So we can move on to brighter things


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    Hey Funny Man

    Hey funny man

    Why do you look so sad

    You're up there laughing and carrying on

    It don't look like you've got it that bad


    Hey funny man

    Why the tears

    What has caused you to cry

    It hurts to see you this way

    Please get past the hurt and the pain

    Please come out to play


    Hey funny man

    Is it a secret that you hide

    Something in your past

    That took away your smile


    Or was it something during the show

    That has taken its toll

    By leaving you sad like this


    Well I got to go

    I hate seeing you sad though

    So long my friend


    Hope things get better


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    Young Slave 2

    "Beat him until he submits"

    He heard one of the men say

    As he stands naked chained to a wall


    Taken from his home

    When he was 10 years old


    Now he is a slave to his owners

    Bought for hard labor

    Bought for sex and other nasty games


    Now at the age of 13

    He knows the game

    They beat him

    Until he does what they tell him to

    This has gone on for years


    His skin laced with scars


    Bones have even been broken at times

    All in an effort

    To make him bend

    To their will


    He has tried escaping

    They found him

    They beat him bloody for it


    He is kept in a small room

    Handcuffed to a bed

    To prevevent him from

    Escaping again



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    Young Slave

    She was taken from her family

    At a young age

    Sold as a slave

    She worked hard labor

    During the day

    She preformed sexual favors

    At night


    She's been beaten



    Scared for life

    The buises a bloody purple


    Her only friend


    Like her

    Bought and sold

    Into slavery at a young age


    Together they fight to hang on

    Together they draw strength

    To make it day after day


    Both beaten

    Both abused


    Together as friends


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    Tulip Girl

    There she stands on the street corner

    Selling tulips from her cart

    Her family is poor

    So she helps to support

    The only way that she can


    Nine years old

    Dressed in tatered worn clothes

    She has never been to school

    Selling flowers is all she knows

    She sells the flowers

    To those who pass by


    Many have sean her

    She is a regular sight upon the corner

    A few have bought flowers

    Many more just pass by

    Not even with a glance her way


    She sells the flowers

    To better herself

    To better her family

    To prove

    Though they are poor

    They are not helpless


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    PTSD 4

    Give peace a chance

    Make peace not war


    Yes that is my cry

    Unlike most who shout those words

    I have been in combat

    I have seen the hell that is war


    Marching across the fields

    Crawling through trenches



    All in the name of freedom


    Yes that was me

    Watching my friends die

    Watching whole cities burn

    Watching cars explode

    Watching tanks plow across the land

    Rolling over anything in it's path


    The ravages of war

    Are not only that which you can see

    They are scares that thread throughout




    One's mentel and emotional state

    Streched to the limit

    And far far beyond


    So now I speak out for peace

    For I have been th...

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    PTSD 3

    It was my first deployment over seas

    I was in an open field

    When I spotted one of the enemy

    I shot him before he could shoot me

    Then from behind

    I was shot in the leg


    I was taken to a field hospital

    And later sent back to the states

    While lying in my hospital bed

    I kept replaying it in my mind

    Me shooting someone

    Me a murder

    Sure he would have killed someone else

    Sure he would have destroyed more lives

    But still, I just could not get over what I had down

    I did what I had to do

    War is kill or be killed


    I am not a killer

    That is not me


    After I was releashed from the hospital

    I left the military

    I vowed never to touch a gun


    Any other weapon

    For as long as I lived


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    PTSD 2

    A simple walk in the woods is a problem for me

    I constantly think there is someone hiding behind every



    Rock formation

    Or in every riverbed

    I know that these thoughts are just flashbacks

    And thus not real

    Part of me however, wants to lash out at every ghost I see

    The memories and pain

    Still run fresh


    People tell me "The war is over"

    Maybe so




    Those scars will never trully heal

    Those scares will always huant me


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     I hate the fourth of July

    Don't get me wrong

    I love what it stands for

    I hate the fireworks

    I hate the bonfires


    When you have

    Seen whole cities Burnt to the ground

    Completely wiped out


    When you have

    Seen your friends and comrads

    Shot downs




    When you have

    Crawled through trenchs

    With gunfire and bombs

    going off overhead


    When you have seen

    Your fellow soilders

    Cut in half by mechine guns


    Blown to peices by land mines


    It does something to you

    It messes with your emotions


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    Own path

    If the world knocks you down
    Get back up off the ground
    Don't let the world hold you
    Tell it you're following a different plan


    Strike your own path
    Find your own way
    Do not listen to what the world say


    You are not a sheep
    So don't follow like one
    Blindly going wherever you're told


    You are you and there is only one
    Live life on your terms


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    Two hearts

    Two hearts beating
    Pounding out a constant rhythm 


    Two hearts intertwined together 
    Holding on to the vast truth of life itself 
    The truth from the dawn of creation


    Two hearts alone no more 
    They have found each other
    They are bound to one another 
    Through love's strong cord
    The can't be broken by any force of man


    Two hearts forever together 
    Two hearts as one
    Until the end of time and beyond


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    Strolling among the stars

    Here we are
    Strolling among the stars
    Hand in hand as we move along


    Two friends we started out
    But more we became as our relationship grew
    Now we stroll
    Heart to heart
    Soul to soul
    Among the stars we go


    Eternally we go forever
    Our love for one another
    Hand in hand
    We've come so far
    Strolling among the stars


    The twinkle in your eyes
    Like diamonds as they shine
    We stroll forevermore 
    Among the stars we shall go


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    Charlie's bar and grill

    Once you walk in through the front door
    You'rea part of the family 
    We're always glad to see you
    No matter where from you may be
    Come on in and sit right down 
    Laughing joking all around


    At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all
    Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards
    Just have a ball
    The drinks are good
    The food is great
    Puts a big smile on your face
    Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall
    At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all 


    The waiters greet you with a smile
    They sit you down family style
    Or just walk up and sit down at the bar
    Drinks from all over the galaxy 
    Food your eyes have never seen
    We have been rated four star
    Live music with dance floor
    Poetry nights and so much more 


    At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all...

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    You See

    You see my smile but you fail to see my pain
    you see my sunshine, but ignore the rain
    my tears flow
    my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul


    you hear me laugh, but fail to see me cry
    you see my dance, but fail to see me fall
    you see the mountains I have climbed, but fail to see the trenches I've had to crawl through
    my tears flow like a waterfall
    you only see my life, but fail to see I'm dying inside
    tears flow
    heart smokes from the fire burning my soul


    You see my accomplishments, but never how hard it took me to get thre
    you see the goals I've achieved, but never my failures
    you see the shine in my eyes, but never the dark clouds over head
    my tears flow, I am drowning
    you see me, but never truly see me
    tears flow
    my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul


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    Silent Whisper

     Silently I whisper your name

    As the tears fall upon my face

    You don't know how much I hurt

    My heart feels it's gonna burst


    Crying tears wash my soul

    For the love with depths untold

    You were my grace, my one true love

    An Angel sent from above


    I love you now as I did then

    Though nothing can bring you back again 

    What we had is now no more

    We both landed on different shores


    When you left with him upon that day

    You tear my heart away

    Great sadness overtook my life 

    Cutting me like a knife


    Now I live each day in Hell

    The home in which we had both dwelled

    Now alone I am

    Just waiting for the end


    I love you now as I did then

    Though nothing can bring you back again 


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    The vampires come out at night
    They suck you blood what a freight
    Beware of their hypnotic stare
    Beware of their bite


    Vampires are in flight
    Upon a moonless night
    For living dead
    They create and command


    Vampires everywhere no place to hide
    One bite from them takes your life
    Beware of their hypnotic stare
    Beware of their bite


    Vampires are in flight
    Upon a moonless night
    For living dead
    They create and command


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    You're never alone

    When life seems hard spinning out of control
    You feel you have no friends at all
    Don't give up, no need to fall
    Just remember this you're never alone 


    When you stand with your back to the wall
    You fall to your knees and have to crawl
    Never give in, never give up
    No matter what this world shows
    You're never alone


    You're never alone
    Someone's at your side
    Though sometimes it's hard to see


    You're never alone 
    You do have friends
    Who will help in your time of need


    Lost you feel like life's unreal
    You're at your wits end it seems
    Don't get bogged down
    You're never alone 


    You're never alone
    Someone's at your side
    Though sometimes it's hard to see



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    Diamonds in Your Eyes

    You are beautiful with a radiant smile

    You life up the lives of those you hold dear

    You have a caring heart your eyes shine night

    I can see the diamonds in your eyes


    You are the one that I can see

    Who was ment for a wretch like me

    You remove the to help me see the light

    I can see the diamonds in your eyes


    When you speak to me with loving care

    I have no fear when you are near

    You soul shines so bright

    I can see the diamonds in your eyes


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    Get up and Dance

    Get up move your feet

    Feel the rhythm feel the best

    From the top of your head to the souls of your feet

    Don't just sit there like a lump on a log

    Stuck and sinking in the world's big

    Get up out of your sear

    Move your feet




    Get up and dance


    Get up

    Get up

    Get up and dance


    Life's a journey , life's a path

    Dance, dance all the way

    Whirl and twirl, sway back and forth

    Have fun each and everyday

    Don't let life bum you down

    No need to drag upon the ground

    Let the music energize you, let it fill you




    Get up and dance


    Get up

    Get up

    Get up and dance


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    Goodbye My Friend

    We grow up together, side by side

    Playing on swings, or going down slides

    Brothers we were arm in arm

    Building forts, walking the trail long


    You dad got a better job in another state

    You had to move, that sealed our fate

    Friends no more we would be

    Except by mail between you and me


    Goodbye my friend, you're moving far away

    Goodbye friend, I will miss you everyday


    I never stopped calling you my friend

    Even though our lives went separate ways

    In my heart you're a friend till the end

    Until my dying day


    Goodbye my friend, you're moving far away

    Goodbye friend, I will miss you everyday


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    Trouble at 200mph

    Sometimes we live life like we're in a race
    We need to back down to a slower pace
    Life's a journey,  life's a ride
    We need to enjoy it one step at a time


    But we go through life on a fast track
    Seeing things from the corner of our eye
    Living like this is just a death trap
    That only leads to our demise


    Trouble at 200 miles per hour
    Living our lives way to fast
    Trouble at 200 miles per hour 
    If we're not careful,  we're gonna crash


    We live at a hectic pace, always on the go
    Do this, do that, no chance to relax and reload
    We need to slow down, before we go down
    We need to recharge our lives
    Because we are only heading to our demise 


    Trouble at 200 miles per hour
    Living our lives way to fast
    Trouble at 200 miles per hour 
    If we...

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    Demon Slayer

    When life's demons come your way
    To take the joy out of your day
    Blue skies to grey
    Sunshine to rain


    Don,t give up hope, no need to fall
    Even when you're up against the wall
    There is someone you need to call
    He'll help you through it all


    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer
    Fast and quick


    Demon Slayer 
    Demon Slayer 
    He'll never quit


    No need to run no need to hide
    For the demon Slayer is by your side
    He'll never leave you in a jam
    He'll hit those demons like a ram


    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer
    Fast and quick


    Demon Slayer 
    Demon Slayer 
    He'll never quit


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    Hidden treasure

    You may have to dig deep down inside
    To that place your true self hides
    You will find your treasure there
    The worth of which there is no compare


    You never know how much you're worth
    Like a hidden treasure deep in the Earth
    But once discovered you shall see
    There is so much worth to thee


    Once you discover the treasure you hide
    Spread your wings and fly
    Hold your true self don't let it go
    Only then can you truly start to grow


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    Live life on your own terms

    Live life on your own terms

    Do things your way

    Do not follow the crowd

    Strike your own path

    Forge a new trail


    You are you

    You are not like the rest

    So don’t treat yourself as if you are

    Find your own gifts

    Build them up

    Be strengthened by them


    Yes there will be pitfalls from time to time


    Learn from them

    Do not run away



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    Poisoned cup

    You look so sweet like my favorite drink
    But I see through to who you are
    One sip from you and I'll see stars
    Because no matter how sweet all you are
    Is a poisoned cup
    A poisoned cup


    You look so good
    You smell so fine
    I want to drink you up with my eye
    But a poisoned cup is all you are
    A poisoned cup 
    A poisoned cup 


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    Stand up

    Stand up
    Stand up
    Fight for your rights


    Stand up
    Stand up
    Fight for your rights


    Stand up don't back down
    Get back up when pushed to the ground
    Stand for what you believe in
    Even if you must stand alone
    Stand up, stand tall, be strong


    Stand up
    Stand up
    Fight for your rights


    Stand up
    Stand up
    Fight for your rights


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    Dancing among the stars

    They dance in the heavens above

    Locked forever in eternal love

    Living in that land so far

    Dancing among the stars



    Their life is no more

    upon these mortal shores

    locked arm in arm

    In that land so far

    Dancing among the stars


    Locked forever in an eternal embrace

    They whirl and they twirl

    With so much grace

    Off away in that land so far

    Dancing among the stars


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    If I were an Angel 

    If I fell from Heaven above

    Would you catch me


    Would you let me continue falling

    Into the pit blow


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    Giggles and Jiggles


    Jiggly  fun

    Stomp your feet

    Let the giggles take over
    Let the wiggles take over
    Let the Jiggles take over

    Wiggle, giggle, jiggle
    Jiggle, giggle, wiggle,

    Go go go

    Laugh some more


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    Long Haul Trucker


    Long haul trucker

    Running down the road

    18 wheels

    For your heavy load


    Across the country

    Highways and byways

    Small towns and big cities


    Hook up the rig

    Off on another run

    Moving down the Highway

    Running down the sun



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    Party All Night


    Party all night
    Party all night

    Crazy insane
    Party all night
    Party all night

    From dusk until dawn
    We'll have some fun
    The party won't end
    Tomorrow night we start again

    Mess made
    House a wreck
    Fun all the way
    Party all night
    Party all night

    Playing games
    Party all night
    Party all night

    From dusk until dawn
    We'll have some fun
    The party won't end
    Tomorrow night we start again


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    Vortex to Nowhere


    Vortex to Nowhere

    Life spinning around

    Death approaches the rim

    It tries to take you down


    Vortex to nowhere

    The mystery beyond

    Life in it's final stage

    The death race has begun


    O great vortex take me home

    My life upon this Earth no more

    Take me to the world beyond

    O great vortex take me home


    Vortex to nowhere

    Swallow me up

    Take away my pain

    let me drink your poisoned cup


    Vortex to nowhere

    The darkness looms

    Death awaits

    Within your gloom


    O great vortex take me home

    My life upon the Earth no more

    Take me to the world beyond

    Oh great vortex take me home


    Vortex to nowhere 

    Spinning out of control

    Will I s...

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