is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Be My Music


    Today i watched a movie about love it made think of you.
    I will cook your favorite dishes for you.
    You will be the best friend of my heart.
    Every time you go somewhere take a piece of me with you.
    I am ready for happiness this times around.

    Every time i missed you i look at your picture and my heart always rejoice.
    I once saw the most beautiful couple that had a few hours left to enjoy the time because one had a brain tumor.
    It made me shared tears thinking if i had the same hours what can i do to keep you alive in my memory and heart.
    Each day could be our last.

    Decided that our home should be filled with happiness.
    Honey if you feel the same tell me to stop writing poems for you.
    Let's leave ourselves only with each other and our future.
    If we put efforts to making it work it could be beautiful and smiles will fill our house with tears of joy.

    Be my music.
    Let the lyrics of your heart synchronize with my feelings.
    I know i don't say it often.
    I want you to know my opinions are still intact.
    I love you with every fiber of my being.
    I wish to spend the rest of my life beside you.
    Caring and loving you immensely.
    I love you yesterday.
    I love you today, tomorrow and forever.
    You are just simply the best gift ever gifted to me by Mother nature.
    You're my happiness and sunshine.

    I consider myself fortunate to have met a woman like you.
    With whom the world has become more interesting daily to live in.
    With whom i smile more often with.
    I was gifted to meet you.
    You are my necessary.
    You give me support and tenderness.
    You are my shoulder to drown my tears.
    You are my long awaited rip that was missing.
    Thank you for being my music.
