is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Write-on

    When is it the right time to write?
    When the timing is right ?
    When the moment is ripe ?
    When the mood is right?
    Writting wrongs and turning wrongs to right?
    Whatever about ,
    When you feel wronged ?
    When the feelings are not placed right ?
    What then? when that all is left?.
    Like a heart
    Like sanity
    When the crowd has left ?
    No right-hand man
    Take a wrong turn in life 
    Take a write turn in life
    Is it wrong then to write ?
    Is even, wrong or right the basis to write ?
    I am aware one has to learn to write to be able to write.
    Does one need writting basics through lessons to write right?
    If there is a right way to write.
    Can one write to touch bases,
    Right at the moment of experience?
    Write about moments of experience?
    Is there even the right time to write?
    its just a matter of having time to write,
    Make the time to write.
    That would mean everytime is write-on time.

