is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • BOATS...

    Drifting along on a wave of emotion,

    Avoiding the crowds. and all their commotion,

    Nothing obscures the sun and the sea,

    As I go in search, of who I may be.


    Do we truly know who we are,

    How others perceive us, from near and afar,

    There will be those, who find us offhand,

    Whilst some shall obey, our every command.


    We stare at a mirror, to see our reflection,

    Maybe that leads, to our own misconception,

    People all offer their differing views,

    Dependant upon, which image they choose.


    Shadows fly by, ghosts of the past,

    My heart prays for peace. and long may it last,

    When nations all over the Earth, shall unite,

    Together as one, under His guiding light.


    Only when we address our own ways,

    Accepting the role, a bad image plays,

    Can we be allowed to hold our heads high,

    Embraced in the knowledge, a fresh start is nigh.


    Drifting along, I have met with commotion,

    Fought violent waves, of human emotion,

    I see a strange vision, appear from the sea,

    Could this image, truly be me......



    (c) Rob Bristol Poetry 2019
