is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Time is over my head: It is leaking from the expelled universe. Everything is so homely above the cauldron captivity of valleys in a small house; sadness, like a dead ball of tears, otherwise falls more easily, dripping more and more while it hits the ground. "I greeted me with a one-of-one consciousness of happiness: I could not kiss the immortal footsteps of your feet out of cowardice!"

    And yet thousands of agonies tormented me, and the prey of heifers became my orphaned soul! A goddess I haven't seen in a long time now I don't know where she stumbles, lurks, curious after me - we kept immortal drums together while we folded our hands together! - To the bottomless well; into our selves as sinful recidivists, we fell back because we ourselves were afraid of the Truth

    patinated halls. And only in secret, so the dele of my life slipped away like a mild summer shower: it came suddenly, fresh-smelling, sharpening my mind, liberating it - and it passed away like a flame! Our podium judge was wiser, more ruthless than ours, and set off a blushing war of kisses: "You're not ready yet!" He replied.

    And the break-ins will never be a whole whole again! There is always a humiliated, humiliated heart that secretes secrets among half-looted treasures! Where is the limit, the awareness that with common Action, everything can be improved? Because it was bad, it was evil, and the manipulation that the blinding effect of two eye vaults had on the restraint of male hearts could be exploited!

    The eternal torment of pain has always struck my heart! I couldn’t have been counting on me with turning moments!
