is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Broken-voiced petition

         Blurred in the crowded details of reality, the lamp-lighting lights of rising dawns quickly disappear, fading; between depth and height there can hardly be a way out only full of screaming gaps! Space will be transformed into sounds; in a stroking-gentle touch with a single love fingertip, there is a pronounced, eternal emotion: wide pupils radiating happiness, longing for the immortality of leaping minutes, which is deliberately distorted by the magical power of visions!
         True Seers always grope and live in the usual, uninhabited light! Vulnerable pain opens its petals for a long time and would call on the Beloved of its loyalty! The survivable calvary of everyday life is roaring in groups in stunning looks! - Stations of quests ring in the shells of ears like cracked bell tongues in haunting vocals! Creatures that have gone wild in fallible will not be affected by forgiveness! As a selfishly greedy antrocious, they live only for themselves!
         Already everywhere there are so many selfish, calculating hand-washing Pilate houses voluntarily in exchange for star-bombing gases; this is how lonely Golgotha people become exiles! "A broken-sounding judgment-requiem begs for melancholy orphanage into the night: No one should be a debtor-mercenary of insidious greed!" - Smiling with handcuffs, they can stab anyone in the back; it ripens when ripe and smells of stings The Silence of Betrayals!
         Like a bad conscience, I am coding wandering between four walls with my selfish sins: my missed opportunities are confronted daily by the formula of my fears! A constant sense of danger forces you to wake up urgently
