is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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         In the folds of the crypt chain of your face, the invisible moves with you and Time is getting old! The exaggerated eyes of selfish people don’t take the point either: a real victim of vile dream image weights; how can a sausage fence be fenced on the porches of possible appearances And the eternal second fiddlers are already ahead of the winners! - Initially, a cat-and-mouse resists the dictated formulas of Time Changes that Measure Existence with trying competition, and the no-escape gift of the vicious circle is knocking headless over our heads!
         Constant depth and sudden height embody the zigzag of cheap, easily cracking ladders of beaten careers! As one who has already deliberately become familiar with himself in the Secret of Death, he can only confess himself to himself now in all confessions! “Inaccurate, restless accelerating Hopes for Life can gradually erase our past memories that we all clung to together! So it's not good to mix with squeaky mass misery! A creative-active personality should not be allowed to be sucked in by crowded stagnation!
         On its own, it often uses more when we walk than matured autumn-leafed, silent trees! What pattern can we use to achieve the desired consciousness of happiness?! As a ragged clay man, we force several pseudo-personalities at once out of compulsion on ourselves; our crawling selves will all be on a leash! We should treat everything with a protesting self in a friendly way! The stubborn denial of our slashing selfishness still increases our lack of self-confidence! Why is there always a smell of threat that is consciously unknown?! The final destruction can be felt bone-penetrating
