is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    My Grandmother prayed for me

    She is no longer alive you see

    My Grandmother often stated, “THE DEVIL IS BUSY”

    Being a teenager with no understanding then, I thought Grandma was dizzy

    My Grandmother and I would pray together

    I got the foundation of what praying was all about

    My Grandmother was showing me the elements of prayer instilling in Faith

    She would pray Morning, Noon and Night

    My Grand other wanted Heaven to watch over

    She wanted the spirit of the Lord’s hands to cover
    My Grandmother was preparing me for life independence when God took her home

    I saw purpose as an adult that I will never be alone

    Grandma left her legacy

    It is now all through me

    Grandma was my start up

    Now it is my praise with a full shout

    I always pray before moving about

    The world is in turmoil

    I belong to God’s soil

    While Grandma went to the kingdom

    She left me her wisdom

    Even though Grandma’s hands have gone to glory

    Her hands are yet still over me being her story

    Grandma’s heart

    My praying start

