is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Stumbling loops

         Gitty deniers, allied with dacha, do not intentionally step on the Light today! Everyone is crowded and just sneaking in! Here, everyone can be a victim-culprit just for cheap success without relationships you can hardly know! Night Celebrity Owls need diligent prey; illuminated moonlight is nestled in their eyes with ever-breaking envy! For those leaving the career, merry widows are waving! Jealous gossipers hate anyone who still keeps the laws of his chivalry! "I could have been the immortal Universe;" I could have felt the kisses of blood petals as I filled my everyday life with redemptive confidence.
         Witty, self-bored, jampec-siherers exchange theater tickets and thrive like guests of erotic bachanalias! Being always pushes before man's purposes; project an unavoidable map over the heads of its victims! He laughs at the messenger and the warning prophet! Their nasty taste buds alone honor the omnipotence of Money! The lips of collagenized porcelain dolls fall to pieces from self-sealing adhesives! Where the tabloid media is loud from career-mimicking bazaar monkeys is actually a wilderness at stake too! They show whistling alpha males and fitness kittens with non-stop complex continuity!
         And he who cannot worthily strike the pedestal standard set up to be an attractive enough sex god or ultra-hot goddess can no longer be worthy enough to prosper worthily among the pitfalls of Life! "I have to be stunned to stare at the lattice lights of bohemian nights as the zigzag knife flashes - maybe you can easily cut my throat!" "Chirping, idiotically smiling leeches, like the tax collectors of an insidious age, make their lives easy on a hanging foot!" Morality and Goodness are found in a state of extinction.
