is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • You Can't Hold Me Down

    You can’t hold me down

    You can’t hold me

    You can beat me and drag me through the mud

    You can’t hold me down

    You can call me every name you can ever think of

    You can’t hold me down


    For I am human

    I dare to laugh, lean, dream, fly

    For my spirit dares to soar

    I must obey it’s calling

    Yes, I must obey


    For to let you hold me down would be worse than death

    For to let you try and break my will

    Sorry, my will can not be broken

    My spirit can not be crushed


    Again my spirit says go

    I must obey it’s calling

    No matter what you do

    No matter what you say

    Remember, I have a spirit

    I must be free


    No, you can’t hold me

    No matter your comments

    No matter the pain

    You can’t bind me

    You can’t chain me

    For I dare to dream


    You can’t hold me down


