is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    The relentless all-weave of memories is gradually heaped upon us. It happens already when everyone is silent and prefers to look deep down, inside; that the sincerity that is laid out suddenly casts a net over the heads of the nobler-hearted and is inexplicably outspoken, murderously sincere against all the draughty mischief! The petty little cocks of Existence are always crowing or crowing each other better, and every life-trip they take is like a tooth-pulling hell of torment!

    The crackling-dropping structure of particles is infused Time's single protesting scream threatens the soul's complex depths. To listen to a smug grinning, grimacing grin, As one shamed and humiliated in procession twenty-four hours a day! It is useless to take in the uncertain All, when the bewitching deer-eyes have long since left. 

    The sticky, cold blood of futility stinks, evaporates in your beating heart, and you cannot understand what you must face for an eternity daily! - Dreadfully dost thou scrutinize in the devastating summer heat Why didst thine left arm go numb? Self-consciously ashamed that you have become a servant of platitudes and clichés, when all you should have done was to preserve yourself whole and preserved for the right Someone! 

    I am daily struck by a strange dawning: was it right that you did so?! And would it have been different if you had let yourself be moulded inwardly? - Waves of unanswering muddy anguish break through thee, and thou wouldst more boldly retreat to the lazy depths of the cuddling placenta, for thou hast seen that this festering world has reduced itself to a calculating, wicked fairground!

    You'd rather not sneak in the shade of women's lightweight stilettos, you're liable to get caught! The video of your now-life is still rolling and you don't know how your film story will continue!

