is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Like a diamond-hard interconnection of chains of rock: a timeless, indescribable lace collar, or a silent, peaceful natural manor of jagged stone and silt. You've shut me in each time I've had to cry out in pain the sediment of my sorrow. 

    O pardoning, proud gazytan-witnesses of this little valley-atoll of home. To you the long iron tooth of time cannot reach: you are like a marble vault in the hangman's time. Unconquered by man, unconquered by age. Flowers, with mountain plants bountifully blooming; majesty, dignity, stubborn order, steadfastness. 

    To me, the holy example of your never-say-die devotion is an unforgettable and eternal holy witness - but it would be good to learn stubborn Caracana from you! Little mountain-gula pyramids still diligently follow the sturdy lines of your roughened ridges. From you, the traveller and the wanderer can always draw new strength and steadiness. 

    As long as you stand unshaken, take care of the fallible, helpless man, so that he may not fall into new mistakes!    
    Oh, how pitifully little between man and man is a little friendly pity, a kindly understanding. All further peaceable remarks seem hopeless; he whose stomach is more gnawed by the gnawing wolf of selfish hunger shall be the winner: yet bird-boned angelic little children with faces that increase the truth of tears wait their deserved turn more patiently than those who are older, and from whom it would be well to learn an example! 
