is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Blessed is he who can lose himself in immortal kisses, while he adores the holy lips that glow as a gift of the Universe, and who, fearless of worlds, can embrace his beloved in noble faith, so that whatever foul tempest of abomination may come upon him, he will endure with fidelity in adversity. For this land is ever a fierce and trying trial, And though I may make a special peace with her traitors, I will strive to be myself, and not to change. 

    That sooner or later man may have won or lost, he may have proved himself, though it is harder to wait for the rightful success and recognition; who may not self-pityingly whine or despond like a sour lemon - but can hope for any Hangman Time may his selfish fate impose on him! - Who may remain faithful to the poetics of the confessing face, And to the gondolae that came to lay down on paper, Or to the machine, to bear witness, The foundations of values, which toil, ink-hands, and long hours of toil, Have forced into the chastened wheel. Whom hopeless doubt and disappointment broken into pots and pans will not crush, even when abysses open up towards their Kharübdis throats. 

    Who, in spite of his noble days, ever humble and modest, ever anxious, ever watchful of all, scorns the watchful and blind scorn, the haughty and haughty glitter, and ever remembers whence he went to seek his fortune in the world. Who, though overwhelmed with nerve-grinding toil, and beastly weed-whirling, With true pearls of prayer-clasped body, Like the greyed days of the week, Yet happy and perhaps contented, for he may have vowed with true love To be protected and comforted by the swan-hand that protects him, Who may love him for ever and ever!  

