is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Unbiased probability

    In the terrifying wilderness of our earthly destiny, two people can hardly impose order on romance. The bushes of venomous gorillas and insidious creepers strictly adhere to the precise geometric rules of healthy coexistence. Only muscular, athletic, hardened secretan-colossuses, their chirping canary counterparts, can form relationships and win everlasting loves.

    And anyone who breaks through the indifference of bull-headed trendiness is instantly crucified. They walk like stealthy assassins in society, strictly attending to a healthy social order as Nietzsche once wanted. They decorate their hard floors with shards of glass to make the stigma-steps of pain more comfortable.

    Day by day, the mock plan is worn away by the pre-engineered, the planned. They can be tweaked to fit the graph with accurate but lying sets of numbers. Perhaps one day they will understand that they should exist, act and try to be happy in an independent way, in a way worthy of human beings and not to satisfy mass tastes.

    Approaching, a troop of monkeys stomps and kicks rampagers and dream chasers. This present apparent well-being is marred by a million chasms. Curses are hurled at the life-suckers from all sides with false, flimsy promises. - Let the free-thinker or the last witness from the Ipsilon ball be mute or even perish. A disgusting creature has become indifference. With unmoving, lazy indifference, the mute whores, thorny cacti, flatten dully.


