is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Discouraging underdevelopment


    How many times have I played the role of Being.
    Not beating with no man's heart, thundering,
    holy excitement - rather with a stifling, nameless vulgarity,
    as one who in dignity looks on and waits for Death.
    I chuckled in my own whimsical, childish purity.
    His reaper fingers were snow-stained.

    Lying on the hospital bed, I suppose,
    ...tied up like a hunted animal, my time had not yet come,
    for it was only later that I would be tempted to suicide.
    I was a small, faithless man
    Can now no more return from hence,
    - those who will follow me on the long journey cannot yet be prepared
    To honour themselves and now,
    like blind men stumbling in their helpless lethargy.

    I am daily spilling out some treasure-like, irreplaceable spark of happiness.
    Someone steals it, uses it or crushes it.
    to make use of a refutable idea:
    my eyes, accustomed to letters, turn into gaping holes
    and reads only pain in the homes of vulnerable souls.
    - It is boiling, it is constantly turning to dust
    and the outside world is not for a moment absent.

    Within my walls of solitude it is transformed into another state,
    which, if age were measured, would make me a young old man.
    The frailty of his dreams, and his magic power, have not yet failed me.
    Our common secrets, like a redemptive awakening, we bear alone.
    - We have rather begged many times by hand or mouth instead of giving.

    The melodious eyes whispering of secrets Light more and more indifferently
    And glow;
    In the walls of whirlwind hope, the survivor and the hopeful vomit!

