is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    I have a friend that most do not like

    Hes filled with vermon disease and mites

    You can hear him scurry chew nip and scratch

    Some say he needs a trap


    Ive seen him now twice here in the kitchen

    Only I was smiling and not bitching


    For the most special thing about my guest

    Hes come when in heavy prayer 

    The bible close at my desk


    Having seen the movie I cannot name

    I can't help but wonder if his spirit is the same


    So heres to you my tiny  friend in prayer

    As long as im here no trap will go there


    I will throw you some crumbs and leave out some snack

    Please do me a favor and do come back

    Your timing is surely a gift from above

    Me casa Su casa

    Always  with love    + <3 
