is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Facial fissures fill up instantly, they crack like craters down deep. On the mountain opposite stands the prophet's house.- Love poisons with faint sighs: signs of life in tears, painful scars. 
    Death's keys are tapped by heartache. I am ashamed of the shock of not having been with you, of the doubt that I have been a pessimistic fool, that I have failed in my relationship! 

    - The last photograph of you you did not send, for it may not have been faded, but I still cherished it in my heart with persistent will, diligently! In the shaggy forest of my oak-trees You sought whispering voices, While you healed my hole-ridden heart with self-righteousness and unselfishness! 

    Nothing yet was seen, Of our all-encompassing connection, of our idyllic existence; Into thy gum-suckled mouth of blood-apple, like a ripe red apple, I did not bite; My cavernous head sought thy harmony-dividing motherly lap, To rest once and for all - Hence all the foolish kneeling!
    My childish eyes too have hesitantly beckoned thee, I have carried thy wounded secrets with me to a strange land! - I would have carried your sprained ankle in the forest of my arms, but you proudly waved at me, "It's nothing, it's nothing!" - Between us, the crater of eternal silence commanded humble silence! 
