is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    At such a time I think, foolishly and foolishly, with compassionate remorse, If I could look up in the all-embracing sky A tiny, luminous comet with my heart's infinite love I would shower, And like the selfish man who cares only for his own happiness and not for the happiness of others, As a caring person, I would find the pure, strong radiance of your photograph In the rain of tears of the heavens! - No matter if thou didst imagine I lied, And in the complimentary channels of my lips, As conquering colonial empire, aimed at thy heart's beating!

    To me every fleeting minute was a gift, A priceless, exalted sacrifice: When once a stranger I wandered in the rickety, gaping voids Of university rows, you gave me a selfless angel's hand, With humility in countless variants I gave you my life! - I have been ashamed of many things before myself. I have drifted too far from the real truth, 

    but to the bewitching, bombarding rays of eyes, to the fluttering of chestnut flames, I answered with humility, only with the endless childish mumbling, while maturity was secretly, lurking hidden within me! - Thy consoling lap would have been my harmony, my refuge down in thy caressing, comforting swan-hands' valley Where only the crackling embers of kisses fly, And anger, envy, hate, can have no forbidden admission But the unselfish Heart!
