is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Human life rushes on and on, screaming like a speeding train, no longer willing to forget or remember, on the numbered tracks of mortality, doomed to be final! A premeditated strategy, decreed with Damocles' prophecy. 

    What could we have done and acted with deliberation and up to now: we could have existed, enjoying every blessed and gifted moment, and passed on our biological heritage to future generations, with a responsible and meaningful value-saving account, so that if we cannot do otherwise, we can continue to breathe in others as a carrier of thoughtful messages! 

    And besides, the most important task would be, if we could leave our footprints, which form messages, in the earth, which has given us its merciful and moral richness, as fertile fruit - to sow in the world, and to bear witness with masses of manuscripts as a cord document of the great jungle world in which we exist! We are changelings! The palpable tangibility of existence and the mortal resignation of passing will be the biting countdown clock to our days of life, so that we can better and more responsibly 

    to appreciate more fully the organic wheels of existence in which we were born as a cycle! - and that is why I must guard the humanity of my moral systems with responsibility and determination! - Let every man take care of himself, for none of us can know what will come as a reckoning on the cliffs of our mortality!
