is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    In the crowded details of reality, the lamp-light of rising dawns Soon fade, fade; between depth and height There can be no way out but through a crying chasm! Space will be transformed into sound; in the tender touch of a single loving fingertip there throbs the eternal emotion spoken: wide pupils, radiant with bliss, long for the immortality of leaping minutes, deliberately distorted by the magic of visions!

    The true Seers always grope and live in a familiar, unobstructed light! Vulnerable grief will long open its petals and call to the Beloved of its faithfulness! The survivable calvary of every day is clustered in shouting eyes! - Stages of missions ringing in ear shells, Like cracked bells in haunting chimes! Wretched creatures, feral in their weakness, are not moved by pardon! Selfishly greedy they live for themselves alone!

    Already everywhere a multitude of selfish, calculating hand-washers Pilate Houses voluntarily in their star-bombing gazes; Lonely Calvary-men thus become outcasts! - A broken-voiced judgment-requiem cries up with melancholy to the night: Let none be a debtor-mercenary to insidious greed! - With hand knives smiling they may stab any in the back; Ripe ferments and stinking with the stench of treason! Like a guilty conscience, I wander between four walls, with my selfish transgressions: my missed opportunities are daily confronted by the image of my fears! A constant sense of danger compels me Like a guilty conscience, I wander between four walls, with my selfish transgressions: my missed opportunities are daily confronted by the image of my fears! A constant sense of danger forces me to wake up with urgency!
