is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Unparalleled probability

    In the chilling wilderness of our earthly destiny, two people can hardly make order out of romances. Angry gorillas and bushes of insidious creepers strictly follow the precise geometric rules of healthy coexistence. Only the muscular, athletic, trained secret colossus and their chirping canary partners can form relationships and win eternal loves.

    And anyone who transgresses the indifference of jerky trendiness will be immediately arrested. They walk around society as stealthy killers, strictly taking care of a healthy social order, as Nietzsche once wanted. They decorate their hard floors with glass tiles to make the stigma steps of pain more comfortable. "Perhaps all this is just an appearance."

    Day by day, the melancholic plan, the pre-transformed, the planned, wears out. The graph can be adapted to them, but they can fiddle with numbers that are accurate but false. Maybe one day they will understand that they should exist, act, and try to be independent and happy, in a manner worthy of a human being and not to satisfy the tastes of the masses.

    A troop of monkeys is approaching, trampling, kicking amok runners, dream chasers. This current apparent well-being is disfigured by millions of gaps. – Aging would also be a natural process, there is no reason to oppose it. They spread curses all over the place with lying and empty promises towards life-chasers. "Shut up, or let the free thinker, or the last witness, perish from the Ipsilon pile." Indifference has become a disgusting creature. The silent kurafis and spiky cacti flatten you with a careless, lazy indifference.
