is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    The cumbersome chips of the pastures press on my chest. Maybe only they can know the Truth. I would draw my face to the former, because Vanhoz – is afraid - I can hardly have anything to do with it. Who can live in my prolific, tachycardia heart, which has already carried so many false diseases and ominous heart attacks?! 

    The Invisible One wonders when he takes the gracious fatigue not only to wave through my life, but to send as a truthful testimony Someone who deserves to protect, comfort, lift.

    Outside, one can always know that the unworthy Present is rolling over his head. Relentless gambling, media with false promises, and a community space full. No wonder most have long since become brainwashed. Man and history have rarely learned from the darid of losers so far! 

    Crypt faces show an unquestionable, grooved feature of magpies. Shameless unfoldings are held by hiding, flirting gazes, summer rose threads. Why does Time exist when you scroll separately in each case?! 

    Maybe it would be better to snuggle away from everyone for a lifetime, whether to give the beloved Dear a serenade on silkworm or whale sounds, which of course no one else understands! Why is it that whose wildly washed wings are already the most vulnerable here ?! – I couldn't stand so many galad changes anymore: I have to, after myself, to roll and drag my Sisyphean stones at once. 

    It would be good to find a safe way out and hold on to someone before it can be finally too late! 
