is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Street wanderer

    I see him everyday, on a broken pieces of mirror

    His pale face, body thin, Eyes sink in tears.

    Cry of his belly and brain, is all he could hear

    Carrying the weight of his shattered dream

    His heart beats in the fear

    Will he ever overcome

    From this enduring nightmare.

    Will someday he can see himself

    As he had wish to appear?

    Lost in these thoughts, every now and then

    He moves here to there

    So the passengers, passing on the street

    Called him, 'The Street wanderer'.


    Sometimes he dives into his memories

    Remembering how he had come here

    Remembering that once he had his loving parents

    His friends, his relatives, all were there

    But he left the home and brought himself alone

    To do something for which the world can cheer

    And as you can see, he reached nowhere

    Shedding his hope with every drop of tear.



    But forget, what had happened in the past

    As this morning, the Sun casts

    The lights of bright fortune

    What he have to do

    is to follow his tune.

    Sitting on a bench

    That serve him as bed

    He takeout his dairy

    And his pen.

    Started to jot

    Whatever in his mind

    Satisfied with nothing

    He scratched all, in no time

    In that anger, he had on self,

    He hold his head, he yelp.

    He remembered the words of his parents

    "Focus on studies, You are not for all this!"

    Oh, how good, if he follow their instruction

    At least, he can see his reflections.


    Time passed from day to night

    And he is still, without smile

    Sitting on that very bench

    He pick his dairy, in his hand

    Turning the wrinkled pages, all scratched.

    Marking his disbelief on himself.

    But this time he is determined

    And this very night, he have to find

    The rhyme

    The very best rhyme.
