is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    How can you remain spotless here, when your soul is already merged in the darkness of the core, and never asks how or how you could have escaped the gallows of your person, the smaller and bigger attacks of your Jelened?! For friends and acquaintances have all left you...The clattering rails that sound near the railway station echo through the coils of your brain; in the clouded darkness you pull your blankets well over your head, for the dawns of the present dawn have become chilly and shivering!

    Thou thyself hast known long since that thou canst not escape, Hiding in the filthy, milky Nineveh-mist of blameless Pest, a late friend - if he has but little time - may yet lead thee firmly and stubbornly by the hand in the dismembered, but unsectioned night. Your spiritual energies are slowly exhausted, for you know not in whom, when, and how to trust! You can't hold out that long anyway: half unconscious, half in a waking coma! What vile nonsense it seems: "Get yourself up and then decide what you want!" - I've been in limbo for so long that everyone has long since left me alone.

    A pendulous shadow, ready to make friends, encircles first your coat, then your back; whose prey are you?! It's all a test of the chess game, and you don't know how to get out! You are wandering like a restless but tamed ghost, because you can't find your place at home and you long to be counted as a MAN! Your lover, if there was one, is long forgotten, and a comfort to others elsewhere, for he won't speak to poor loser-boyfriends, and this only adds to the heavy burden of your stubborn vulnerability!
