is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    You understand Autumn. You cannot deny it. The tamed twilight rays of the shortened, languid days, with their melancholy moods, glimmer in your soul and do not let you go. Thou understand'st: like the tormenting shroud-maid, it falls upon thee and encircles thee. The smiling almagerezks once charmed Thy sweetheart's tender finger-tips, While the tinkling peach jam boiled and rotted in the rump of the pot. Yet, if all is well outside, why are you cold and shivering with nightmares, with the darkness that clings to you?!

    Thy reasonable self-confidence and thy path can be built in redeeming light alone. Sees its fate the restless Soul, that longs for continual rebellion, for chain-shattering... And while the night then with the heavy wings of dawn Shrouds me, so good would it be to feel the faithfulness of Trust, which may never fade, Forbidden by every law of man. Thou art now thirty-nine years old... canst thou yet be sixty-two? And will there then be a Man in this land who will not trample and trample? Will there not betray others as a diligent satanic spy, in order to gain his absolute advantage?!

    Will you still have the time to tell at least one or two people, who said that they really understood you and got to know you through your grotesque mask, because the bleeding stigma of feelings, sorrows and pains became transparent, that you could not or dared not socialize because of your lack of zero empathy-tolerance and that COVID often too deliberately reduced you to an isolating hermit?!

    You understand yourself: for there have always been and always will be Dragons, wicked witches, fanged witches, and witless witches. For there always have been and always will be Dragons, wicked witches, cunning goblins, and the grown man does well who dares to wonder at the playful curiosity of his own free will and self-will, and laughs at himself in a worthy manner!
